25 Year Members

Congratulations and thank you to the following AAVSO members for having been members for over 25 years, as of the AAVSO's 101st Annual Meeting in November 2012 or later!  We greatly appreciate your lasting support.

If you are on this list and would like a commemorative 25 year pin, please contact the AAVSO with your name and current mailing address, and we will mail it to you within 2-3 weeks (may take longer for international deliveries).  If you are not on this list and believe you should be, or are on this list and believe you shouldn't be, please contact the AAVSO and we will verify and correct the mistake. For this award, membership is cumulative (25 years of consecutive membership not required). We initiated this pin only a few years ago, and we think there may be other 25-year members out there we do not know about!

Quick find by last name: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
25 Year Membership Award Recipients
Patrick Abbott
Peter Armstrong
Marvin Baldwin
Thomas Barnes
Stephen Barnhardt
Barry Beaman
Kenneth Beckmann
James Bedient
Terry Benner
Ray Berg
Edwin Bishop
Bernard Bois
Charles Bordner
John Bortle
Carmine Borzelli
James Breckinridge
Thomas Bretl
Robert Cadmus
Martha Stahr Carpenter
Dean Chantiles
Glenn Chaple
Wayne Clark
Christine Clement
Michael Collins
Georg Comello
Stephen Cook
Lewis Cook
Louis Cox
Robert Crumrine
Keith Danskin
Jack Davis
Dennis Di Cicco
Richard Dietz
William Dillon
Philip Dombrowski
David Dunham
Gerald Dyck
Gary Emerson
Angelo Frosina
Gary Fugman
Anthony Galatola
Jaime Garcia
J. Michael Gardner
Patrick Garey
Peter Garnavich
Robert Garrison
John Gaustad
Christoph Gerber
Owen Gingerich
George Gliba
William Goff
Keith Graham
Bjorn Granslo
John Griese
Edward Guinan
Timothy Hager
Walter Hampton
Gene Hanson
Richard Harvan
Kevin Haslag
Werner Hasubick
Haverford College Obs.
Robert Hays
Allen Heasley
Richard Hill
Robert Hill
Michael Hill
Kenji Hirosawa
G. Wyckliffe Hoffler
Albert Holm
Geert Hoogeveen
Ulrich Hopp
Peter Hornby
David Hough
Jerome Hudson
Tim Hunter
Guy Hurst
Robert James
Keith Jones
Ronald Kaitchuck
Robert King
Phillip Kirby
Kenneth Kissell
Seiichiro Kiyota
Stephen Knight
John Koester
Herb Koller
Roger Kolman
Miroslav Komorous
Attila Kosa-Kiss
Kevin Krisciunas
John Kruszka
Howard Landis
Kristine Larsen
David Latham
Thomas Lazuka
Damien Lemay
John Leonard
Arthur Leveque
David Levy
William Liller
Edward J. Los
Gilbert Lubcke
Walter Macdonald
Patrick Madden
Farouk Mahmoud
Patrick Maloney
Harald Marx
Hiroshi Matsuyama
Michael Mattei
George Mavrofridis
Kenneth Medway
Karen Meech
Haldun Menali
Kenneth Menzies
Jay H. Miller
Eugene Milone
Etsuiku Mochizuki
Michael Moeller
Mati Morel
Edwin Morris
Warren Morrison
Mario Motta
Koji Mukai
Colin Munford
Ken Myers
Thomas Norton
Gary Nowak
Steve O'Connor
Jay Pasachoff
John Pazmino
Arthur Pearlmutter
William Penhallow
John Percy
James Peters
Stephen Peters
Ronald Powaski
Randal Putnam
Stephen Ratcliff
Jose Ripero Osorio
Hazel Ross
Ronald Royer
John Sainsbury
Seiichi Sakuma
Gerard Samolyk
Guido Santacana
Bradley Schaefer
Werner Scharlach
Daryl Schrader
Emile Schweitzer
Charles Scovil
Steven Sharpe
Albert Sharpless
Jerry Sherlin
Neil Simmons
Clyde Simpson
Leonard Slack
Horace Smith
J. Allyn Smith
James Smith
Leroy Snyder
Jerzy Speil
Christopher Spratt
Richard Stanton
Thomas Steckner
Paul Stegmann
Christopher Stephan
Berton Stevens
Michael Stuka
David Swann
Paula Szkody
Melvyn Taylor
Daniel Taylor
David Turner
Henri Van Bemmel
Elizabeth Waagen
Larry Wadle
Stan Walker
George Wallerstein
Norman Wasson
Kenneth Watts
Doug Welch
Barbara Welther
Charles Whitney
Winston Wilkerson
David Williams
Thomas Williams
Lee Anne Willson
Thomas Wilson
William Wilson
Robert Wing
Ronald Zissell