Alert Notice 633: Nova outburst of V392 Per = TCP J04432130+4721280

Note: V392 Per has not returned to its pre-outburst magnitude. Please continue multicolor observations at least until it fades to V~16.5.  -  Elizabeth O. Waagen, 7 April 2020

April 30, 2018:

Event: Nova in Perseus - V392 Per = TCP J04432130+4721280

Discovered by: Yuji Nakamura (Kameyama, Mie, Japan; via CBET 4515)

Discovery magnitude: unfiltered CCD magnitude 6.2 (using a 135mm f4.0 lens; via CBET 4515)

Discovery date: 2018 April 29.474 UT (via CBET 4515)

Coordinates (2000.0): R.A. 04 43 21.38  Decl. +47 21 25.9  (from VSX)
Spectra: Hiroyuki Naito (Nayoro Observatory) and Tatsuharu Ono (Hokkaido University) report (via CBET 4515) that a low-dispersion spectrum of this object [V392 Per] was obtained on 2018 Apr. 29.58 UT using the 1.6-m Pirka telescope (+ NaCS) at the Nayoro Observatory. They report that "the spectrum shows some unidentified absorption lines on a very red continuum, which may indicate high reddening." Their spectrum can be viewed at URL

Robin Leadbeater (Wigton, Cumbria, UK) provides a R~500 spectrum taken on 2018 Apr. 29.894 UT at:

Spectroscopy indicating that V392 Per is undergoing a nova outburst was obtained by Wagner et al. (ATel #11588) on 2018 April 30.116 UT with the 2.4 m Hiltner telescope (+OSMOS) of the MDM Observatory on Kitt Peak. They report that "the spectrum is reminiscent of classical novae early in their outburst and prior to maximum light..."

Observing recommendations: Observations of all types (visual, CCD, DSLR, PEP, spectroscopy) and multiple bands (particularly B, V, I) as instrumentation permits are strongly encouraged as this bright nova evolves.

Observations reported to the AAVSO:
2017 Sep. 07.0674 UT, 16.65 CV +/-0.076 (E. Muyllaert, Oostende, Belgium);
Oct. 19.1389, 16.48 CV +/-0.030 (Muyllaert);
2018 Jan. 04.1153, <16.5 CV (Muyllaert);
Jan. 14.16786, 17.725 B  +/-0.141 (G. Stone, Auberry, CA);
Jan. 19.9181, <16.5 V (Muyllaert);
Mar. 08.0021, <16.5 CV (Muyllaert);
Apr. 21.4627, <12.5 unfiltered CCD (Y. Nakamura, Kameyama, Mie, Japan; via CBET 4515);
28.9687, 7.0 unfiltered DSLR (A. Uhrin, Randaberg, Norway, via CBET 4515);
29.0007, 7.0 unfiltered DSLR (Uhrin, via CBET 4515);
29.80600, 6.340 V +/-0.002  (T. Tordai, Budapest, Hungary);
29.81993, 6.35 CV +/-0.02 (P. Dubovsky, Kononica, Slovakia);
29.82058, 4.75 CI +/-0.01 (Dubovsky);
29.82058, 7.16 CB +/-0.04 (Dubovsky);
29.82111, -3.49 CR +/-0.03 (Dubovsky);
29.83194, 6.21 (M. Deconinck, Artignosc sur Verdon, France);
29.8507, 6.50 (I. Bryukhanov, Minsk, Belarus);
29.8694, 6.55 (Bryukhanov);
29.879, 7.3 C (J. Shears, Cheshire, UK);
29.904, 5.6 CR (D. Buczynski, Portmahomack, UK; via CBET 4515);
29.9135, 6.5 (V. Perekhrest, Ukraine);
29.9301, 6.537 V +/-0.037 (I. Miller, Swansea, UK);
29.9375, 6.5 (Uhrin);
29.9424, 7.488 B +/-0.088 (Miller);
29.9424, 6.4 (J. Toone, Shrewsbury, UK);
30.0410, 6.3 (J. O'Neill, Topsfield, MA);
30.0431, 6.8 (L. Shotter, Uniontown, PA);
30.0611, 6.5 (C. Chiselbrook, Canton, GA);
30.0955, 6.6 (S. Koontz, Houston, TX);
30.1007, 6.6 (C. Maloney, Helena, AR);
30.1111, 6.5 (H. Smith, East Lansing, MI);
30.116, 7.65 B (S. Kiyota, Kamagaya, Japan, remotely with 0.25-m f/3.4 astrograph + SBIG ST-10XME CCD (T5, iTelescope.NET at Mayhill, USA; via CBET 4515);
30.116, 6.73 V (Kiyota, via CBET 4515);
30.116, 5.23 Ic (Kiyota, via CBET 4515);
30.8167, 6.9 (G. Murawski, Suwalki, Poland);
30.8333, 6.9 (A. Tsvetkov, Zavolzhye, Russian Federation);
30.8736, 7.2 (M. Muciek, Kolobrzeg, Poland);
30.8743, 7.0 (A. Glez-Herrera, Ferrol, Spain);
30.8785, 7.0 (J. Ribeiro, Esposende, Portugal);
30.8799, 7.1 (A. Correia, Esposende, Portugal);
30.8903, 7.1 (Toone, via baavss-alert);
30.9028, 7.1 (Ribeiro);
30.9035, 7.1 (Correia);
30.9063, 7.1 (Glez-Herrera);

Charts: Charts with a comparison star sequence for V392 Per maybe created using the AAVSO Variable Star Plotter (VSP) and the name V392 Per. Observers need to be aware of a magnitude 15.0 star 8.5" to the North of the variable.

Submit observations: Please submit observations to the AAVSO International Database using the name V392 PER.

AAVSO Forums: V392 Per is the topic of the AAVSO Time Sensitive Alerts forum thread
and the AAVSO Novae forum thread

a. The object was designated TCP J04432130+4721280 when the report of a possible nova was posted to the IAU Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams Transient Object Confirmation Page (TOCP). It was later determined that this object was the CV (UG-type dwarf nova) V392 Per. Information in this Alert Notice taken from CBET 4515 is noted as such. Other information was sent to the AAVSO via submissions to the AAVSO International Database, posts to the AAVSO forums, and emails.

b. The dwarf nova (UG) range of V392 Per was V = 14.1-16.9. Observations in the AAVSO International Database show bright dwarf nova outbursts of V392 Per in:
 - March (or earlier) 2013: max mag V=14.1 on ~Mar. 20; beginning of outburst unknown but at V=14.637(25) on March 5 (M. Simonsen, Imlay City, MI); return to quiescence unknown but at V=14.632(26) on April 23 (G. Sjoberg, Duxbury, MA); and
 - January 2016: max mag V=13.6 on ~Apr. 1; beginning of outburst ~Jan. 4 at V=15.945(44) (Simonsen); return to quiescence unknown but at V=14.513(48) on Apr. 27 (S. Johnston, Warrington, Cheshire, UK).

c. P. Schmeer (Saarbruecken-Bischmisheim, Germany) writes that "the ASAS-SN Sky Patrol recorded a dwarf nova outburst with a very slow (GK Per-like) rise in 2016 February/March....the very slow rise to outburst maximum indicates a long orbital period." He also reports V392 Persei is located 6 degrees WNW of alpha Aurigae (Capella).

d. Position end figures
- D. Buczynski (Portmahomack, UK, 2018 Apr. 29.9042 UT): 21.39s, 25.9"
- S. Kiyota (Kamagaya, Japan, 2018 Apr. 30.116 UT, via CBET 4515): 21.36s, 26.18"

e. Images
- D. Buczynski (Portmahomack, UK, 2018 Apr. 29.9042 UT):

Congratulations to Yuji Nakamura on his latest discovery!

This AAVSO Alert Notice was compiled by Elizabeth O. Waagen.

Information on submitting observations to the AAVSO may be found at:


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