Note: N Sgr 2020 No. 3 has been assigned the GCVS name V6568 Sgr. - Elizabeth O. Waagen, 11 August 2020
June 8, 2020
AAVSO Forum threads (scroll to the bottom of a thread for latest posts):
- Time Sensitive Alerts:
- Novae: highly reddened galactic classical nova in Sagittarius
Event: Nova in Sagittarius: N Sgr 2020 No. 2 = ASASSN-20ga = PGIR20dsv = ZTF20abdpwst = AT 2020lrv
Discovered by: All-Sky Automated Survey for Supernovae (ASAS-SN)
Discovery magnitude: 15 V/g
Discovery date: 2020 June 2.26 UT
Coordinates (2000.0): R.A. 18 22 45.33 Decl. -19 36 02.3 (from VSX page for ASASSN-20ga)
Spectra: Spectroscopy obtained on 2020 June 08 UT by De et al. using the SED Machine spectrograph on the Palomar 60-inch telescope indicates that the object is a highly reddened Galactic classical nova (announced in ATel #13790, De et al. 2020). ASASSN-20ga is the second Galactic nova discovered in Sagittarius in 2020.
Observing recommendations: Observations of all types (visual, CCD, DSLR, spectroscopy) and multiple bands as instrumentation permits are strongly encouraged as the nova evolves.
Observations reported to the AAVSO:
2020 May 28 UT, <13 AB (J mag, Palomar Gattini-IR survey; see Note b re magnitude, via ATel #13790)
28.3782, 19.618 g (Zwicky Transient Factory, ZTF20abdpwst);
31.3549, 17.260 r (Zwicky Transient Factory, ZTF20abdpwst);
31.4178, 15.807 g ± 0.089 (Zwicky Transient Factory, ZTF20abdpwst);
Jun 1, 11.16 +/- 0.07 AB mag (J mag, Palomar Gattini-IR survey; via ATel #13790)
02.06, 15 V/g (ASAS-SN)
04, 11.69 AB +/- 0.07 (J mag, Palomar Gattini-IR survey; via ATel #13790)
05.29378, 14.267 CV +/-0.023 (J.-F. Hambsch, Mol, Belgium; Hambsch observations are selected from 133 observations made over three nights);
05.29683, 14.248 CV +/-0.023 (Hambsch);
05.29986, 14.281 CV +/-0.024 (Hambsch);
05.30292, 14.259 CV +/-0.038 (Hambsch);
05.33043, 14.250 CV +/-0.024 (Hambsch);
05.37993, 14.264 CV +/-0.022 (Hambsch);
05.38229, 14.236 CV +/-0.024 (Hambsch);
05.42464, 14.225 CV +/-0.022 (Hambsch);
05.42701, 14.253 CV +/-0.053 (Hambsch);
05.42936, 14.264 CV +/-0.069 (Hambsch);
05.43170, 14.236 CV +/-0.073 (Hambsch);
06.29412, 14.231 CV +/-0.094 (Hambsch);
06.29721, 14.163 CV +/-0.086 (Hambsch);
06.30030, 14.145 CV +/-0.097 (Hambsch);
06.32811, 14.171 CV +/-0.087 (Hambsch);
06.33123, 14.237 CV +/-0.090 (Hambsch);
06.33743, 14.073 CV +/-0.074 (Hambsch);
06.35131, 14.204 CV +/-0.068 (Hambsch);
06.36794, 14.295 CV +/-0.080 (Hambsch);
06.37977, 14.119 CV +/-0.132 (Hambsch);
06.39162, 14.100 CV +/-0.169 (Hambsch);
06.41779, 14.293 CV +/-0.087 (Hambsch);
08.28550, 14.320 CV +/-0.059 (Hambsch);
08.28854, 14.282 CV +/-0.026 (Hambsch);
08.31006, 14.257 CV +/-0.026 (Hambsch);
08.31314, 14.289 CV +/-0.058 (Hambsch);
08.31622, 14.281 CV +/-0.062 (Hambsch);
08.32543, 14.334 CV +/-0.060 (Hambsch);
08.42370, 14.228 CV +/-0.072 (Hambsch);
08.42609, 14.308 CV +/-0.081 (Hambsch);
08.42845, 14.427 CV +/-0.074 (Hambsch);
08.43081, 14.424 CV +/-0.087 (Hambsch);
08.43316, 14.209 CV +/-0.084 (Hambsch);
Charts: Charts with comparison stars for N Sgr 2020 No. 2 may be created using the AAVSO Variable Star Plotter (VSP).
Submit observations: Please submit observations to the AAVSO International Database using the name N Sgr 2020 No. 2. When a GCVS name is assigned to this nova, please use it when submitting observations.
a. Some of the information in this AAVSO Alert Notice is taken from ATel #13790.
b. Palomar Gattini-IR (PGIR) is a wide-field NIR transient survey scanning the entire Northern sky in J band to a median depth of 15.7 AB mag every two nights (ATel #13790).
c. De et al. report (ATel #13790) that "the integrated extinction along this line of sight is ~ 6 mags in g band, ~ 4 mags in r band and ~ 1 mag in J band (Schlafly et al. 2011)."
d. De et al. report (ATel #13790) that there is no source reported at position end figures 45.2s, 02.6" in archival 2MASS images.
Congratulations to the ASAS-SN survey team on this discovery!
This Alert Notice was compiled by Elizabeth O. Waagen.
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