AAVSO Bulletin 80 - Predicted Times of Maxima and Minima of Long Period Variables for 2017 is online and may be accessed via the AAVSO Bulletin webpage. The Bulletin gives predicted dates of maxima and minima for 381 AAVSO legacy long period variables from January 2017 through February 2018. The Bulletin is available in various formats - customizable via the Bulletin generator as a .pdf or .csv file; static .pdf; and static .csv.
Also available is the list of Bulletin stars in order of need, from those receiving the fewest to the most observations last year.
The double-maxima stars R Cen and R Nor are covered in a separate file available from the webpage.
Using the Bulletin to plan your observing program - visual, CCD, PEP, DSLR alike - will help make the most efficient use of your observing time. Instructions on how to use the Bulletin are given.
Good observing,
Elizabeth Waagen, AAVSO HQ