Tue, 05/03/2016 - 19:22
AAVSO data were featured in the American Astronomical Society's news pages again: This time, the published story is about TYC-2505-672-1, a record-breaking binary star system with a 69 year eclipse period! You can find the full story under:
Many thanks to all who observed the system! Another example of groundbreaking science that comes out of AAVSO observer's work!
Best wishes - clear skies,
TYC-2505-672-1 was just recorded in the Guinness book of records as the longest-duration eclipsing binary system up to date! It is indeed an extraordinary star: eclipse duration 3.45 years; eclipse depth ~4.5 mag (in V); binary orbital period 69 years. Perfect synergy of AAVSO, KELT and Dash. Please see the announcement here:
Thank you to all for their observations. What a wonderful science outcome from our long-term data!
Best wishes - clear skies,