davidjayjackson Affiliation American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO) Wed, 11/19/2014 - 04:47 What our some issues of Sky and Telescope that had article about AASVO or variable star observing? Tx, David Matthew Templeton Wed, 11/19/2014 - 12:32 S&T Index available Hi David, Sky & Telescope have an index available in both Excel and text format, both found here: http://www.skyandtelescope.com/about-us/sky-and-telescope-index-1941-2013/ By loading the text file and having my browser do a search for both "AAVSO" and "variable" I was able to find citations for many articles. Clear skies, Matthew Log in or register to post comments
Matthew Templeton Wed, 11/19/2014 - 12:32 S&T Index available Hi David, Sky & Telescope have an index available in both Excel and text format, both found here: http://www.skyandtelescope.com/about-us/sky-and-telescope-index-1941-2013/ By loading the text file and having my browser do a search for both "AAVSO" and "variable" I was able to find citations for many articles. Clear skies, Matthew Log in or register to post comments
Hi David,
Sky & Telescope have an index available in both Excel and text format, both found here:
By loading the text file and having my browser do a search for both "AAVSO" and "variable" I was able to find citations for many articles.
Clear skies,