AAVSOnet Status, 2019-11-16

Sat, 11/16/2019 - 12:08

BSM_Berry: operational, though we're having some Scheduler issues after upgrading to the latest version.  These should be cleared up shortly.

BSM_Hamren: operational, though still testing.  Right now, the dome is not connecting via ACP, but this should be a minor problem to fix.  Several nights in the new E180 configuration have been run.

BSM_NH2: operational.

BSM_NM: the mount seems to have failed.  We're tracking down the problem.

BSM_S: operational.

BSM_TX: off-line until Dave and Preston can get out to the observatory to debug things.  This may be several months.

OC61: operational on the new Win10 computer.

SRO: operational.

TMO61: after a hard drive crash this summer, the system has been rebuilt.  It has been operating in a commissioning mode for the past few weeks, but scheduled operations should begin shortly.

Ken Menzies has been upgrading all of the AAVSOnet systems to use the latest ACP software.  George Silvis, Cliff Kotnick and Bill Toomey have been upgrading the HQ pipeline and adding ancillary support software.

Tzec Maun Foundation has given the go-ahead to use several of their E180 astrographs.  Our intention is to upgrade all BSM systems owned by the AAVSO to use a Paramount, E180, and CMOS camera, similar to our BSM_Hamren prototype.  The upgrades will take time, with either BSM_NM or BSM_NH2 being the next upgraded system.

Dave Cowall has graciously volunteered for the BSM Section leader, replacing Mike Nicholas.  We should all give Mike a "virtual hand" for his leadership and activities supporting the BSM systems, and wish him all the best in his future plans!
