Hi all
Thanks for doing this under-observed far-southern variable. There is a recent ob of 11.7 by TUC. The chart id is incorrect - it showing the chart for a far northen star.
I have yet to enter my recent data, but I have the curve going down to 13.6 (curving well under the 11.7) and on the rise now, into 12th mag. If R Ret is indeed the target, then its a predicable mistake to take a '120' sequence star as the target. I have been tempted that way, and have to be carefull. I can be a tricky pattern when R Ret is <12th mag.
Some of the TUC 'fainter-thans' are hard to understand, also. Is it possible to check out this target and how it's treated?
Of course, if you check it out and are convinced you are right - let it stand! Thats fine by me.
Thanks. (PAW)
My apologies for the typo showing Chart 6936U. Finger trouble! It should have been 6836U
None of the current R Ret charts I have shows a "120" star. I must try another one. Which do you recommend? I have been observing this star since 1974.
Hi Cliff
Thanks for the reply. You're in South Africa? Can I have your email? For observing stuff - you are next around the world, and an important location. Mine is info@alanplummer.com.au.
R Ret: There is a '120' on the chart I just generated, and I get tempted into thinking it's the target, mostly, if I haven't seen the star in a while. What aperture do you use?
Best. Alan.