BS Vul - Measures mislabled?

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American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Sun, 05/28/2017 - 00:39

I wa  setting up my June observing list and selected BS Vul. There is a possible problem. VSX and the ephemeris (pdf mislabled as RR Lyrae) list the V mags as 10.9 - 11.6 V. But the data history show variation up to 9.7V. Do we have a probelm, or is BS Vul really brighter than the ephemeris and VSX show?


American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Corrected range

Hi Ed,
You were right, for some reason the magnitudes inherited from the GCVS (based on a 1938 paper in PZ) were a whole magnitude fainter than V.

I corrected the range and took the chance to improve the ephemeris a bit.
