BSM Legacy Targets for Adoption

American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Sun, 01/13/2019 - 22:10

BSM Legacy Targets for Adoption

The BSM Section is requesting members consider performing the observer function for several bright star targets already part of the legacy AAVSO Monitoring Survey.  These targets are moving to the latest BSM Section approval protocol.

BSM: AAVSO_Monitoring Survey:

This is a catchall project, containing generally transient objects like PNV_J183657, campaign targets like EE_Cep or b_Per, or just targets where we've been monitoring the field for a long time and continue to do so.  – Arne Henden

We ask that the adopter write a brief proposal to the Telescope Allocation Committee, perform the photometric analysis and submit the data to the AAVSO International Database. The images can be available through your VPhot account. We would appreciate transformed measurements where filter data is available, but this is not a requirement.

An initial list of targets is provided below.  Please indicate your interest with a reply to this message. We will keep a Target table on the BSM Section web-page. The page can be found through the Oserving Section drop-down menu. The table will indicate the Target, your Obscode and date assigned. You can find out how to write the proposal by going to this same web-page.  For the proposal science statement, you can indicate that you are responding to this BSM Section request for these legacy AAVSO Monitoring Survey stars. Stay up-to-date on new targets by subscribng to his forum or by checking the BSM Section web-page.






Thanks for your support.


American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
BSM Legacy Targets for Adoption

I'll put in one for FY Lib I have been thinking about a proposal involving SRB variables and possible differences in V versus Ic photometry. This would give me a chance to investigate a bright SRB.

R EA/GS+SRD. Question: Arer those data time series data so that minimums in several bands can be studied. If so, I would also be interested in that one.


American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
FY Lib

I am preparing the proposal now, Mike. Can you tell me a bit about BL Tel. I mangled the first message relative to that target. If time series data are avaialble for that target I do minima and since it it also SRD the minima in Ic versus other filter bands would be interesting.

American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)


Arne had mentioned the following in an e-mail...

A long-period (2years) eclipsing binary; primary star may also be a pulsator.  Mentioned in VSS maillist 4/18/2011.  Lots of BVRI data since 4/24/2011.


American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
BL Tel and FY Lib

I would need to know a lot more about BL Tel. Glad to process those data, but I am not sure what a proposal would look like in terms of the science goal. I'll do a little research, but let me know if you have a volunteer.

Re FY Lib: can you tell me a bit about the epoch range of the data collected, if those data continue to be collected, and the photometric bands? If BVI or BVRI, then I have what might be an interesting science goal.


BL Tel

Hi Ed,

When I started the BSM network, I was thinking of where they could scientifically contribute.  One regime was obviously any bright star, as most were not being monitored by the professionals and yet contained many of the prototypes for variability classes (like delta Cepheii).  Another was long-term monitoring, whether nightly on a 100d period star or decades on things like eps Aur.

What logically fit into this latter class were long-period eclipsing systems, say periods longer than a year or so.  Then the eclipses were multi-day, so robotic imaging once/night would cover the eclipse, and the change was slow enough that you could also get color information.  While many of these systems had been studied during their eclipses (like VV Cep), the interval between eclipses was ignored, and the BSM systems could monitor there as well as the eclipses.

BL Tel was one of these that was put in the queue.  It has a 778d eclipsing period, but one of the stars is also a 92d semiregular variable, so long-term monitoring gave information on both variations.  It has been on the BSM queue for about 8 years, with 100-150 datasets per year.

FY Lib is an SRB with 180d period that has been monitored in BVRI for about 5 years.  it was a target suggested by John Toone in 2014, who had been following it for 15 years and had seen it brighter than ever before and wanted an electronic measurement.  I just left it in the queue after that to see whether that brightening was a fluke.

Most of the AAVSO_Monitoring targets are done in BVRI, and typically once per night over multiple years.  Sometimes they were originally chosen for an Alert campaign coverage, and left on to see what happens after such a campaign ended.  Sometimes a researcher requested information like BVRI magnitudes for comp stars of an interesting object.  There were a half-dozen targets in the south, another half-dozen in the north, and a bunch of targets in the SRO queue (some of which now have 10 years of data!) that are well-covered, but which have not been "adopted".


American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Hello! I do not have any

Hello! I do not have any experience with VPHOT. I plan to take the VPHOT Choice course in the future.

    For now, would I be able to access the images and transforms and use the software I have experience with (MPO Canopus) for this project? Thank you and best regards.


American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
HI Mike,

HI Mike,

Compressed Images are placed in an ftp folder under you Obscode.  If you have any other questions, just ask or you can go to the BSM Section web-page (in the Observing Sections Menu) for more information

Thanks for your interest,



American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
BL Tel


Thanks for the extra information, I'll also volunteer for BL Tel. Lately I have been measuring EAs and EWs, one run every clear night, so I have plenty of time to work on other projects. The FY Lib proposal is just about ready to send in. I will prepare the BL Tel proposal today and get it submitted. Given that it is both an EA and a SRB with an M-class star, it should be interesting.


American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
BL Tel


I checked the existing data and light curve for BL Tel. It appears that three complete and transformed eclipses have already been placed in the AAVSO data base with observations between the eclipses. In addition there is one more transformed BV eclipse and lots of earlier vis observations. I assume that all CCD data have been collected and transformed for this system and that the proposal should be directed towards analyzing those existing data. and processing any subsequent data.

Among the possible science goals might be (1) refining the period, (2) checking for light and color changes during eclipses due to the SRD influence (van Genderen, 1983) and following up on the double pulsator hypothesis (Zsoldos, 1994). (Complete references are in VSX.)


American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
BL Tel

OK, I will confess my ignorance: What is a "high-latitude eclipsing system?"  The term seems to be common, but I could not find a definition. 


American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
R Sct

Hi Mike,

  I will volunteer to do R Sct.

  I have been talking to Arne off line about it and it sounds like something I would like to do.

  I will get a proposal in right away.

Clear skies,

Dennis Means MSD

American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
BL Tel

I'll prepare a proposal for BL Tel if not taken. I need to consult with Arne, if he has time, before submission. This is an interesting one.


American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
U Mon

If no one has spoken up for U Mon yet I'll adopt it - I don't want it to feel left out. The light curve is interesting, and it's a close post-AGB star at only a 1000 parsecs according to Gaia (how spoiled we've become, thanks to that mission!) so it's a good target for studying this class.


American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)


I noticed that you haven't provided a brief proposal for U_Mon.  We ask that you submit one using the AAVSOnet proposal template.  A simple statement such as, "I am submitting this proposal in support of the BSM Section request for the legacy AAVSO Monitoring Survey stars" will suffice.  Please indicate whether you want the images in your VPhot account.



American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Sorry, I meant to do it after

Sorry, I meant to do it after posting here, but I got sidetracked working on another AAVSOnet proposal. Done now.


more legacy targets

Here are the targets from the northern BSMs.  All are done with BVRI filters unless stated.


This long-period eclipsing system (2050d period) had an eclipse 2014/08/21 and an upcoming eclipse on 2020/03/31.  It has been on the monitoring program for the northern BSMs, and also for the W30/coker30 system that was at Bill Goff's observatory.  Any secondary eclipse should be covered by this extensive monitoring program.


Alert Notice 441, 2011/05/27, presented a campaign to cover multiple bright giant variable stars of diverse classes.  EU Del was put on the BSM program on 2012/12/16 and has been covered ever since.  SRB, 58d period.


Chris Lloyd emailed on 2014/07/19 about this eclipsing system, with a 40yr apsidal motion period.  We've now covered 5 years of the orbital motion, and may have enough data to give some clues.


I got interested in this prototypical star early on, and put it on the BSM queue in 2012 waiting for its return to full brightness.


Here is another prototypical star, the brightest member of its class.  It was found with high precision photometry to be a Blazhko effect star, though I doubt the BSM precision is adequate.  Observations are one/night, so you can build up a light curve for each season, but the cadence is way too long for a nightly light curve.

There are a bunch more stars on the SRO monitoring queue that I'll post in a few days, and several others where the researcher has not submitted observations to the AID.


American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
more legacy targets

Hi Arne,

  Since I'm using a OSC CCD and TG filter designation  Should I be monitoring these and up loading the data or will it just  mess things up since I'm not using BVRI filters?


Hi Nor,

Hi Nor,

You can choose whatever targets you want for your observing.  The ones listed here are just targets that have been requested in the past for the BSM telescopes, and for which the imagery has not been analyzed.  Don't consider them as priority targets or campaign targets!  However, if you want to observe them and report your TG magnitudes to see how they compare with the more traditional BVRI, or just want to observe them because their description sounds neat, no problem, and your TG mags won't interfere with anything.


American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
FY Lib and BL Tel

May I assume that the legacy FY Lib images will appear in my VPhot account? Nothing has shown up yet. I know that the new BL Tel data will only become available later this year as the target appears. 
