Campain for ASASSN-14il

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Sat, 11/08/2014 - 21:03

I have a new type IIn supernova that I am interested in crowd sourcing a light curve for. For those of you not familiar with my past group efforts, I am primarily interested in type IIn SNE and supernova impostors. This current effort is similar to what I have done in the past for SN 2009ip and SN 2014G.

I am attaching the target information below. The goal here is to get a composite light curve to 0.05 mag sensitivity or better with a cadence of at least one measure every two days. I won't complain if we do better. I am going to ask everyone who is participating to contribute images in the Johnson V-band. But I would also welcome contributions in other standard filters particularly (in order of importance) B, I, and R.

The ground rules will be the same as for SN 2014G. I would like to collect images that have been dark corrected and flat fielded. These are most helpful to me for removing observer dependent systematics. The data you take remains yours to report as you please if you want to submit on your own to AAVSO, VSNET or anywhere else you are free to do that. But I'd still like your images to try to put together the best possible composite light curve I can. We can arrange on an individual basis you will share images with me once you are "on board."

Let me know if you would like to be "in" on this campaign. Once I know you are in I will add you to an email list where you know everyone else who is contributing. That will give those of you who plan to use iTelescope or other services a chance to coordinate your plans with each other and ensure efficient coverage.

Here is the target information:
RA: 00:45:32.54
Dec: -14:15:34.5
Class: Type II-n
V mag between 14 and 15 mag
Host galaxy: 2MASX J00453260-1415328

I forgot to include how you

I forgot to include how you can contact me if you are interested.  If you would like to join the crowd for ASASSN-14il, email me: jmart5 at

American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
e-mail failure notice


When I tried to send an email to the e mail provided above but using the "@" sign,  I got a failure to deliver notice. The reason for failure give was 

"Remote host said:

550 cuda_nsu 5.1.1 User unknown"


Brad Walter, WBY