cataclysmic variable

AAVSO Alert Notice 685: EM Cyg monitoring requested

NOTES: Dr. Ruiz-Carmona communicated that this campaign is concluded as of December 19, 2019. - Elizabeth O. Waagen, December 19, 2019

Dr. Ruiz-Carmona communicates that they would like to observe EM Cyg after another outburst to obtain further data. Please continue to monitor EM Cyg as instructed below until further notice. - Elizabeth O. Waagen, December 2, 2019

November 8, 2019

Alert Notice 675: V386 Ser - second rescheduling of HST observations

Note: Dr. Szkody informs us that the HST observations of V386 Ser have been scheduled for 2019 Aug 15  22:04:49 UT - Aug 16 00:31:52 UT. The critical night is August 14 - please report your observations of V386 Ser as soon as possible after you make them so that HST can be notified in time to make the go-nogo decision. - Elizabeth O. Waagen, August 6, 2019

August 2, 2019

Alert Notice 667: V386 Ser to be observed with HST

Updated May 24, 2019: Dr. Paula Szkody informs us that the exact time for the HST observation of V386 Ser has been scheduled for 2019 May 30 04:36-10:15 UT. This is the night of May 29/30 for US observers. Thus, the critical night will be May 28/29 (Wednesday night)  to get a measurement to HST so they can proceed to the observation. It will be essential to have positive observations from this night to satisfy the HST planners, so observers with suitable equipment are urged to obtain positive measurements of this faint star.

Alert Notice 666: CRTS J105122.8+672528 observations needed urgently

May 14, 2019: Dr. Mark Kennedy (Jodrell Bank Centre for Astrophysics, University of Manchester) is urgently requesting observations of the potential cataclysmic variable CRTS J105122.8+672528 beginning immediately. This object appears to be in outburst, having brightened to V~16.2 from its minimum magnitude of V~18.5-CV~19.

Alert Notice 642: ASASSN-18pe observing campaign

July 24, 2018: Dr. Matt Darnley (Astrophysics Research Institute, Liverpool John Moores University) and the AAVSO are requesting monitoring of ASASSN-18pe, the cataclysmic variable (possible long period dwarf nova) discovered 2018 July 10 by the ASAS-SN program (J. Strader et al. ATel #11867) at magnitude V = 15.8.