
Alert Notice 727: Chandra observations taking place for RW Aur

December 6, 2020

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Alert Notice 692: V694 Mon (MWC 560) to be observed with Chandra

Note: Note: Observations of V694 Mon are scheduled for 11 March 2020 with HST, and for 22 March 2020 with XMM. Please continue to observe as indicated in Alert Notice 695 but with the high-intensity coverage taking place March 9 through March 14 and March 19 through March 25.  -  Elizabeth O. Waagen, 6 March 2020

Alert Notice 689: R Aqr monitoring needed in support of HST and Chandra observations

Note:  Continued observations in all bands (particularly B and V) and spectroscopy are extremely important. Please continue nightly observations until further notice.  -  Elizabeth O. Waagen, 31 January 2020

Note: The exact schedules for the Chandra and HST observations of R Aqr (Alert Notice 689) are as follow:

Chandra (UT)  Note that this date is EARLIER than given in Alert Notice 689.
12 Jan 2020 00:13:21.409 - 12 Jan 2020 14:06:41

Alert Notice 663: 1SWASP J022916.91-395901.4 being observed with Chandra

March 8, 2019: Further to AAVSO Alert Notice 652, Dr. Koji Mukai (NASA-Greenbelt Space Flight Center) informs us that 1SWASP J022916.91-395901.4, one of the novalike variables in his target list, will be observed with Chandra on 2019 March 11 22:35 UT - 2019 March 12 02:45 UT.

Alert Notice 661: Correction to AAVSO Alert Notice 659 on KQ Mon

January 28, 2019: AAVSO Alert Notice 659 announced that the nova-like variable KQ Mon will be observed with Chandra on 2019 January 29-30 UT. The exact time interval given was incorrect.

KQ Mon will be observed with Chandra on

2019 January 29 20:18 UT - January 30 00:28 UT.

A snapshot every one to two nights is requested between now and February 9. V filter is optimal. Visual observations are welcome. The visual range of KQ Mon is 12.5-13.7.

Alert Notice 658: EC 21178-5417 being observed with Chandra

December 3, 2018: Further to AAVSO Alert Notice 652, Dr. Koji Mukai (NASA-Greenbelt Space Flight Center) informs us that EC 21178-5417, one of the novalike variables in his target list, will be observed with Chandra on 2018 December 5 20:18 UT - December 6 01:00 UT.

Alert Notice 657: HerbigAeBe stars need monitoring for Chandra observations

November 21, 2018: Dr. Hans Moritz Guenther (MIT; Kavli Institute for Astrophysics and Space Research) and colleagues have requested AAVSO observers' assistance in monitoring several HerbigAeBe stars in support of upcoming observations scheduled with Chandra.