JAAVSO: Types of Articles

Research articles

Review papers (up to 10,000 words)

Articles containing reviews and summaries of astronomical information as well as new research (by invitation only).

Variable Star Research (up to 6,000 words)

Articles on any topic of variable star astronomy, broadly including non-stellar variables such as AGN, gamma-ray bursts, and variable nebulae.  Examples include: new observations, analyses of existing data, theoretical and/or computational variable star modeling.


The Journal of the American Association of Variable Star Observers (ISSN 0271-9053 (print); ISSN 2380-3606 (online)) is the peer-reviewed research publication of the AAVSO dedicated to variable star astronomy and related scholarly topics across a range of disciplines. Launched in 1972 and published twice a year, JAAVSO contains scholarly research articles submitted by members of the AAVSO community on a wide range of topics relevant to the AAVSO and variable star astronomy.

JAAVSO: Editorial Policy

The Journal of the AAVSO is an instrument of the AAVSO, whose mission is "to enable anyone, anywhere, to participate in scientific discovery through variable star astronomy". The purpose of the JAAVSO is to promote the AAVSO's overall mission by serving as the preeminent publication venue not only for AAVSO Members, but for the entire community of variable star scientists and researchers.

Publication criteria

The AAVSO's 100th Anniversary Meetings in the Pages of the AAVSO Journal

The special 100th anniversary issue of The Journal of the American Association of Variable Star Observers (JAAVSO, Vol. 40, No. 1, Parts A and B) celebrates the AAVSO's centennial by featuring papers presented at the 2011 Spring and Annual meetings of the AAVSO, as well as a section of thirteen invited review papers covering the latest developments in variable star astronomy.

Included in this special issue:

Group photographs taken at the 2011 Spring and Annual meetings