CBB filters

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American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Sun, 07/30/2017 - 18:26

OK so I bought a CBB filter from Astrodon for exoplanet detection, how do I upload to Vphot/WebObs? In other words I don't remember seeing a CBB filter option..


American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Clear (CBB) Filter


It is a type of Clear filter. Select C as the filter name as you would for any clear filter. If you use V comp magnitudes, save to webobs as CV. For exoplanets transits, interested in temporal variation rather than accurate magnitude.


American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
C-BB for visual?

Their claim it "blocks most moonlight" caught my attention! Wonder how this would help visual observations during bright moonlight? Its fairly pricey, so would hate to have to buy it just to try...


American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
C-BB for visual?

Mike, I'm sorry but I don't know, I immediately inserted the filter where the LUM filter used to be on my SBIG FW* motorized filter..The target's SNR have improved dramatically using my CCD camera but I don't know how it will work visually.



American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Can you try?

I understand Pablo, any way you could temporarily put it in an eyepiece and see how it works during the moonlight this week? Would be a great help to me!


American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
I'm sorry Mike but..

Mike,I have a C14 edge HD with a  piggybacking WO Z61 scope and Canon 7D for widefield which I've only used for imaging since I bought it so I'm sorry.but for me to remove the filter from an 8 filter wheel disassemble it with the attending danger to the other filters then remove the camera, cables, mount an eyepiece, rebalance the scope find the eyepiece (I don't even remember what I did with it..) just to give you my visually untrained opinion on whether it looks better than other filters would take too much time and trouble...

I wish I could help you..but I simply do not have the time even if I wanted to do it for myself...

Sorry :-(


American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
It's Ok Pablo, I had a

It's Ok Pablo, I had a suspicion the request may be difficult, based on experience between the CCD and Visual worlds...Maybe I can find a vendor with liberal return policies. No luck finding one on Ebay so far.


American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Why don't you call Don at Astrodon?

Why don't you call him directly and tell him what your fears are and what their return policies are ? I've talked to him several times and he seems like a very reasonable man. Tell him that you want to evaluate it visually and if you like it then you will post positive reviews here and on Cloudynights...he might do it. (Did you go to Cloudynights to see if it's already been reviewed visually?)
