Fri, 12/12/2014 - 17:20

The gratings have arrived at HQ in fine shape.  The people who ordered gratings can now purchase them from the online store:

The final prices were $137 for the SA100 and $157 for the SA200, including all of the costs to the AAVSO, and includes prepaid domestic shipping.  Robin Leadbeater was kind enough to donate his royalties to the group, keeping the cost as low as possible.  Thanks again, Robin!

Once all of the pre-order folks have made their purchase, I'll permit orders for any remaining gratings.  I know I will have one SA100 available, but there may be some others.


international delivery

Hi Arne,

thanks for coordinating these purchases. I just ordered my SA200 through the online store but no international postage for shipping to Sydney was added to the cost. You mentioned above that domenstic shipping was included but I expected an additional amount for overseas delivery. I'm more than happy to pay the shipping cost, let me know how. Cheers,


Shipping Method

Hi Arne!

I will be shipping the SA200 directly to New Mexico Skies. Can you tell me if you will be using USPS or UPS to ship? I need to get the shipping address correct. sjoberg