Fri, 12/09/2016 - 14:10
Good morning! I am currently working on putting together text files with variable star data to submit to the AAVSO. I measured my data using a program called MPO Canopus. The extended format asks for names of comparison and check stars. MPO Canopus lists names of stars using a catalogue called MPOSC3, which I do not believe is the correct way to label my comparison and check stars in the submission. Has anyone else had this issue before? Is there a way I can determine the names of the stars that correspond with their names in the MPOSC3 catalogue, or would using the AUID based off RA/dec be better? Thank you for your help!
AUIDS Are Acceptable to use
You might consider printing out the photometry table using the VSP:
Then enter your taget name and select the Photometry option, which will bring up all the comp stars with their AUIDS or bring up your chat then select the Photometry Table Option at the top of the target chart.
Feel free to email me if you have other questions:
Good Observing
Tim Crawford
Greetings Ethan,
I believe the issue you face goes beyond mapping MPOSC3 star names to AAVSO AUID's.
In the case of single comp star you report the target star magnitude standardized by the comp star:
Vstd = (Vins - Cins) + Cstd
Where the AID assumption is that the Cstd can be found from the reported AAVSO chartID/photometry page. In your case it sounds like Canopus is providing those magnitudes. This may be a problem; HQ can advise.
One way around this, assuming you can get the MPOSC3 star refs translated to AUID's, is to report the Cstd you are using from MPOSC3 in the note field. Using the subfield notation you could report: || Note the subfields are preceded with a "|" pipe character, a key name, "=", and then the value. In the near future we hope to standardize the key names to use.
If you are submitting ENSEMBLE observations, the problem is maybe simpler: you only need to provide an AUID for the KNAME field; the ensemble method doesn't explain the reference source. But note that the in the future there may be a request/requirement to provide more information about the composition of the ensemble, so again you will have the issue of the source of your reference star magnitudes.
Hope this helps,
Hello! I used MPO Canopus frequently. It works well for variable star analysis. It allows you to download the files from AAVSO to create the batch files from which the analysis is performed - you input the variable's name and the program downloads all the CCD check stars that AAVSO has available. You choose as many as you feel appropriate. The section in the MPO guidebook is good and will guide you through the process. Uploading your results back to AAVSO is equally straight forward and easy. Best regards.