Tue, 09/06/2016 - 17:12
Between the database pruning work of one of our new VPhot volunteers, Matt, and upgrading the VPhot instance on Amazon this morning to double the RAM and a significant increase in CPU power (for less cost, believe it or not!), we should be seeing a much more productive VPhot experience.
Many thanks to Matt and George and the entire VPhot team, really. VPhot is a magnificent resource, and it is that because we have people like the VPhot team working on it.
Doc Kinne
Great work, many, many thanks to the whole VPHOT team. Thank you for being there ...
It does appear based on anecdotal evidence, that Vphot is running much faster this morning. I took no data, just in going thru my morning data reductions. The "waits" appear to be much shorter. Many thanks to the Vphot team. Its great that one of our premium membership benefits has been improved. I really appreciate it.
I did have one difficulty this morning. The reduction went well. I got the C filter results and when I selected the "V" band to calibrate it in V, I got the exception error. It would not calibrate in V.
Also when I tried to generate an AAVSO Report, I got the same error. Not able to get a AAVSO report. Is anyone else experiencing this difficulty.
OK I figured what was happening. I have a Vphot shortcut on my tool bar, and its the old one. I just tried by going to the web page and then going to Vphot. It now generated the AAVSO report just fine. So if you have a shortcut, you may have to update it.
VPHOT is a wonderful enabler for valuable and consistent AASVO contribution to the community. And It can not be said too often, the VPHOT team, always there answering questions, running down bugs and now upgrading the service, BRAVO!
First post-upgrade VPHOT experience was great--thank you, thank you!
Now, though I'm waiting 3-5 minutes or more per light curve from the Light Curve Generator, which I actually use more often. The main website and this forum have also slowed, and this morning a tiny chart JSON text file timed out before I could download it. Not sure if server load balancing is involved, but someone might want to check that, as things otherwise seem nice and stable.
OK, it's been a few hours since I've seen the LCG and VSP hangups I was seeing earlier (indeed they may be even faster than in weeks past). Between this fix and VPHOT's speed, I'm doubly happy, so cancel my previous message. And thanks to whoever smoothed things out!
I uploaded several images yesterday and never had a queue. The connection (from the link on the AAVSO web page) came up much faster. Everything worked faster.
Hooray and thanks!