Variable Stars South (VSS)
Sun, 04/05/2015 - 13:41

Hi all,
I don't observe delta sco, but i notice now, close to the moon, that it looks definitely brighter than antares.
Does that happen often, in recent years?
Alan P.

American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Hi Alan,
I wonder if you

Hi Alan,

I wonder if you might have mistaken Saturn for Delta Scorpii, as I briefly did last night? Saturn is a degree or two from Delta Scorpii at the moment.

-Carey (CCY)

American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Delta Sco state

I think Carey is right.

I follow the three objects (yes, I make estimates of Saturn! ;)) and they are as follows:

Saturn: 0.3 V
Antares: 1.0 V
Delta Sco: 1.7 V

Delta Sco is very bright this season and rather stable for the last couple of months but definitely not brighter than Antares.
