Sat, 06/13/2015 - 10:48
Hi all
Anyone know anything - or on line resources - about observers H Houghton (HT), A Cousins (CS) and R De Kock (DK)? I've found very little in the website. (Not about RAE or OB, there's pleanty around for them.)
Thanks. Alan
Here's an article about de Kock.
/Gustav Holmberg (HGUA)
You will find an obituary for Houghton in MNRAS 108,46-47 (1948) at
Cheers, Mati
Hi Alan,
There's an article about A. W. J. Cousins in JAAVSO, Volume 30, Number 1 (2002) by Tom Williams and Danie Overbeek. If you don't have a printed copy of that issue, you can download the PDF by going to the AAVSO homepage and clicking on the JAAVSO link that is to the right of the News Articles column. That will take you to the new JAAVSO main page. Once there, click on Advanced Search, and type Cousins into the Text Search box. Several articles will come up; the one you want is about a dozen items down the list: "The End of an Era: A. W. J. Cousins, 1903-2001".
good observing,
There is a
Hi Alan,
There is a biographical article on de Kock: Glass, I. S. 1986, Mon. Notes Astron. Soc. Southern Africa, 45, 113; and in the AAVSO archives we have routine correspondence in Campbell, Mayall, and Mattei eras.
For Houghton, the AAVSO archives has 4 letters, and a clipping on his comet discovery of 1932
For Cousins: the AAVSO archives has several routine letters; two papers presented at AAVSO meetings, circa 1940-1941 "The visual light curve of U Car" and "Photographic observations of l Car and beta Dor"
Michael Saladyga
Thanks all!