EB’s discussion “webinar” Wednesday 4-15-2020

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American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Mon, 04/13/2020 - 05:17

You are all invited to join a live “EB discussion” webinar on this Wednesday, April 15, at 12 noon PDT = 3PM EDT = 1900 UT.

This was prompted by the question "How do you plan eclipse observations, especially for systems with long periods (> few days) and possibly-uncertain ephemerides?"

The tentative agenda is:

• Gary Billings enjoys stars with little observational history, so the ephemerides can be so far off that an all-night run on the appointed night sometimes detects no fade at all.  He’ll describe his approach and some examples.

• Eric Dose will describe how he has recaptured a few EB phases from scratch, without tying up nights of scope time.

• Sebastion Otero will show how to search VSX for eclipsing binaries without published periods,

• If Gerry Samolyk is on-hand, he will be interested in hearing what you like about the current EB-Section website, and what you would like to see added or changed.

We’re planning on a one-hour session, but it can be extended a bit if the discussion stays active.

To register for this webinar, go to:


There is no charge – all are welcome!  We look forward to seeing you.

Bob Buchheim

EB’s discussion “webinar” Wednesday 4-15-2020

Hi Bob,

this is a great idea. I've just registered for the webinar and look forward to the discussions, although the 5am local time start will be a little inconvenient. That's the problm with a non-flat earth, but coffee will help. Cheers,


American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
EB’s discussion “webinar” Wednesday 4-15-2020

Hi, do you plan to record it? I will not be able to watch it in real time.



American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
I second a recording

I can't rearrange existing plans, so I can't make it. I understand a recording has the disadvantage of not asking questions, but something is better than nothing.


American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Recording now available

Hi, everyone:

The presenters have given their informed consent, so the recording of the “EB Discussion Webinar” (4-15-2020) is now available on line.  Go to:  https://youtu.be/QKPXhMpz9wk.

(This version has been very lightly edited:  I removed a few clips where we were fumbling to get the presentations set up).


Bob B.

American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Observing Less-Observed EBs, presentation slides

Hi All, attached here is my presentation from the webinar.

3.2 Mbytes.

Gary Billings

Thanks for the webinar

Hi Bob and all the presenters,

Thanks for organising the webinar last week. I enjoyed each of the talks and picked up a few good tips. I've had a quick look at the YouTube video, the quality is excellent. It'll be a great resource for those who couldn't participate in the live event.

Thanks Gary for making your slides available too. Cheers,


Variable Stars South (VSS)
O-C Diagrams: Erratum

Gary's presentation (post #8 above) includes a mention of my JAAVSO paper on O-C diagrams.

Table 2 in the paperr contains O-C values that do not match those in the O-C diagram in Figure 2. The problem was I copied and pasted the wrong table into the manuscript! Everything else in the paper is correct.

The correct table is attached, and will appear as an erratum in a forthcoming issue of the Journal.
