HD 163296: data, anybody?

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American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Thu, 02/07/2013 - 19:19


I am a graduate student in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. For a project on Herbig star variability I am looking for as much data (photometry, fluxcalibrated spectroscopy, all wavelengths) as possible on the Herbig star HD 163296. No data are listed on the AAVSO archive, but I invite anybody who has a dataset available offline to contact me. If I can use the data for the paper I am of course willing to include the observers as co-author. 

Looking forward to your response,

Lucas Ellerbroek

l.e.ellerbroek [at] uva.nl

American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
goedemiddag Lucas!

Have you

goedemiddag Lucas!

Have you tried online datasets such as ASAS?

Michael Poxon (just across the sea from you, in East Anglia)

BSM data

We monitored HD 163296 from 2011-03-27 through 2012-11-05, a total of 512 BVRI observations, for a project with Mike Sitko.  This has not been entered into the AID, but might be available through the BSM epoch photometry database (members only access).
