Fri, 11/14/2014 - 19:59
Dear All,
we hawe discovered one variable wih period of 1 Day.
This period prevents from observing the complete lightcurve from a single place.
My location is in Italy:
I ask help to observe, this star to an observer in NORTH AMERICA or CANADA.
The star Dec. is +43 deg
Very thanks
Ulisse Quadri
What are you looking for? I assume lengthy time sequence? What cadence? What magnitude? What color, V or something else?
I have automated c11, can do V, B, or R. If you are looking for all night run I would have to work it in when I have a string of good nights such that I can justify turning my normal program off, unless it is east of RA 6 or so. Or I can work it in a handfull of images a night over a period of weeks.
you can email be directly at