Invitation for attending or sponsoring our new Observing Section Zoom Webinar Series

American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Wed, 06/17/2020 - 21:07

Hello friends,

We are thrilled to invite you all to our new (and free!) Observing Section Webinar Series, starting Saturday, June 27th!

For information on this exciting Series and to register for any to all of the webinars that will be running through mid-September, please visit the event's web page

If you are with a company who is looking to connect with observers, please visit our Webinar Series sponsorship page. Similarly, if you know of companies who would be interested in this opportunity, please feel free to point them in our direction.

We hope you all will take part in learning with us!



Magyar Csillagaszati Egyesulet, Valtozocsillag Szakcsoport (Hungary) (MCSE)
Will be videos of the webinars avalialble?

As I can see the first session is fully booked now :O

Are you considering to extend the "room" in order to make possible for more people to attend?
Are going to record the webinar and make it available in video format on the AAVSO website for those who cannot attend?

American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Recordings will be available

As you can see from Lindsay's response below that we are going to increase the number of participants and re-open registration. However, if you are unable to make it, we will be uploading recordings to our youtube channel as well. 

Bert Pablo
Staff Astronomer, AAVSO

BSM webinar

While it is great that the first webinar is fully booked, there are some people (like myself) who did not register in the first two days since the announcement and therefore are locked out.  I'd recommend increasing the number of seats for the webinar.


American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Please, may I have another?

We do need substantially more attendee places available in these webinars.

American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
AAVSO's reply: More Zoom Webinar seats are coming!

Hello everyone! 

Many thanks for your overwhelming interest in our Obseving Sections' Webinar Series! To accomodate everyone, we are upgrading our Zoom plan. Once this takes effect, we will announce and re-open registration for the first three webinars. Registration for the others will still open on a rolling basis. 

We look forward to having you there, and thanks again!

American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Registration is again open!

Hello everyone!

In response to the overwhelming level of interest in our Observing Sections' Webinars, we upgraded our Zoom Webinar account to allow for more participants.

Registration is once again open for the first three webinars. Registration for the others will open on a rolling basis.

Thank you all for your patience and support, and we look forwarded to seeing you on these upcoming summer Saturdays!

American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)


I'd ask if that first one was recorded, if yes - can it be watched (later)?

I missed live event due to sudden family-related issues. :-/

Best wishes,