isis profile printing

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American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Tue, 06/09/2015 - 21:53

Well I figured out how to get to a calibrated profile. Now can someone explain how to print that profile?

Variable Stars South (VSS)
Printing profile

Using ISIS create a GNU plot . This will save a png file that can be printed as an image.



American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
so my ISIS printing saga

so my ISIS printing saga continues. ok, so i downloaded gnuplot and got that installed and then from the website i downloaded the instructions for "use gnuplot under ISIS" and added the 3 files to the gnuplot directory called std.gnu, std2.gnu, and std2y.gnu. so that seemed to solve the previous issue. however now when i try to print the spectral profile i am getting this error message that begins by saying "erreur: System.Unauthorized Access Exception: access to path 'c:\program files (x86)\gnuplot\gnuplot.txt' denied"  so any ISIS with Gnu plot users out there any thoughts on how to correct this???

American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)


However now when i try to print the spectral profile i am getting this error message that begins by saying "erreur: System.Unauthorized Access Exception: access to path 'c:\program files (x86)\gnuplot\gnuplot.txt' denied"  so any ISIS with Gnu plot users out there any thoughts on how to correct this???


This is actually caused by Windows. Typically, when one executes a program, it runs with ordinary user rights. At the same time, C:\Program Files... and subdirectories are typically writable for admins only (e.g. try to create a new file or folder there...). One (dirty) solution would be changing rights of that gnuplot folder.

Open C:\Program Files (x86) in explorer window, make right click on gnuplot folder and select Preferences from popup menu. In the Preferences go to Security tab. Add either full permissions (or specifically write and modify) for e.g. Everybody or Users. That should do the job.

Another possibility would be installing gnuplot to another location (even. eg. on your Desktop) where you can freely write and modify files.

Best wishes,

American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
gnu plot

thank you so much Tonis, that solved the problem and I am now able to see and print the profiles from ISIS using GNU plot


American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
weird ISIS error

so i've been able to process some spectra using ISIS and on this recent images of U Her i get this error message after i leave the calibration window and move to the Go window to get the pixel profile, "ERREUR: System.Format.Exception: String was not recognized as a valid DateTime. at System.Date.Time Parse (String s)"

any thoughts on what might be causing this, i've checked about everything???

ron fournier

Variable Stars South (VSS)
ISIS error

I don't know the exact error you have but I have had similar errors.

ISIS is picky about some of the names of files etc.

In the "general" tab under "object" it doesn't like extra symbols like "/"  or"["

It also doesn't like extra "." in the file name.



American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Datetime error


"ERREUR: System.Format.Exception: String was not recognized as a valid DateTime. at System.Date.Time Parse (String s)"


Hello Ron,
I got last week exactly the same error when I tried to test telluric correction on a high-resolution spectrum. Actually, it's written in the error message what's wrong (Who reads error messages anyway? I did only after half a hour struggling and trying everything else ;-) ). The problem is related to String was not recognized as a valid DateTime. I.e. you don't have either a proper date OR time keyword (DATE-OBS and/or UT, I believe) in the FITS header. Or maybe the format is very different from what it should be (e.g. I had: FRAME = 2014-02-18T23:01.14.12 - because our camera software uses that...).

In my case, I just copied the content of FRAME keyword to DATE-OBS and Isis was happy with the result. According to FITS standard (, DATE-OBS is the one you should use.

You can see headers in the Calibration tab, in the upper right corner, there is button Header.

Best wishes,