The idea of developing a manual for LPV Observers was brought up at the annual meeting. I love this idea and want to make it happen.
Right now I'm trying to think about what the content should be and develop an outline.
My initial thoughts on an outline is:
I. Importance of observing LPVs
II. Observing LPVs (this would then have sub sections for Visual, Binoculars, CCD, DSLR, PEP)
III. Science of LPVs (I'm thinking for subsections, Pulsation Modes, O-C diagrams, Spectroscopy maybe)
IV. Explanation fo the legacy program.
Is this the kinda stuff you want to see?
Any other suggestions on content?
I'm also going to need help making this happen. I'd like to have different people responsible for different sections. If I don't get help, this isn't going to happen.
DM me if you are willing to help. The section leaders use slack to collaborate. I will set up a channel for this project and I'll get you added to help make this happen.
Rich Roberts (RRIA)
I would be interested in paragraphs 1 and 2(especially CCD observations).
A practical description of minimizing the Purkinje Effect would be most appreciated. This is mentioned in the visual observing manual, but I would like to see more detail. A couple of examples... I for one haven't had much luck with the out-of-focus method. How does it compare to the quick-glance method? The manual discourages "prolonged stares". What counts as a prolonged stare? 5 seconds? 30 seconds? 5 minutes?
One of my recent estimates of R Aquilae seemed way too high so I'm particularly interested in this.
Thanks and clear skies,
This is a great idea! I am especially interested in section III. Maybe we can get a little bit of analysis of the data also, not into too much detail; maybe just a link to VSTARS. I also like that we have th LPV of the month, I just wonder how may people actually read it. This should also be mentioned. It is a lot of work but definitely worth while the effort.
Hi Bob
The manual could link to this great material:
and then in the VStar user manual, sections like: