More on VPhot Uploading

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American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Fri, 06/30/2017 - 19:31

My problem is not uploading, it is image selection. Vphot is only allowing me to upload one image at a time. No problem with the upload, and since server activity is heavy, I expect to wait a while for my images to appear. But only being able to load one image at a time is time consuming to say the least. I am going to try uploading a zipped file and see what happens. 

BTW: No problem with my computer that I can tell, all other programs allow "select all" so I am guessing it's a Vphot issue, perhaps heavy server load?

Update: No, its not server load, I just tried it with no server load, same result. Also, I tried it with my other computer. FYI Win 10 Pro, java and flash are enabled. I find this behavior really strange, if its my computers and not a VPhot problem I will have to abandon VPhot, it takes forever to upload images one at a time.

Perhaps there is something in both Edge and Chrome that has to be operating to allow multiple files to be selected by the usual Ctrl or shift buttons?


American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Problem resolved

Looks like this was a VPhot problem that has been solved, multiple images now downloading.


American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Same Problem

I experienced the same problem when I attempted to upload using a PC with Windows 10 and Google Chrome as the browser - would not let me multi-select.  Switched to the old Internet Explorer which can still be found on Windows 10 machines and the problem was resolved.