My subs no longer display. What am I doing wrong

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American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Mon, 05/22/2017 - 22:01

 Hi and thank you for reading this 

 I've been imaging tabby's star and I've been  trying to upload using the wizard. The wizard tells me that my subs are OK. All green and  yet they never show up.

 Sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't work I must be doing something wrong ,maybe the header is incorrect I don't know,can anybody help me please!.

 I am using sequence generator pro to capture the subs. I also use Astro image J. for processing .Pinpoint to plate solve.

 I'm on the road away from my computer right now but when I get home I can upload a couple of samples here for someone to process and tell me what I'm doing wrong! 

 Thank you in advance  and thank you for all you do! 





American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Uncertain Issues?


"they never show up....Sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't work"

Your comments make it a bit difficult to determine what is going on! You will need to be a little more specific in describing the differences between "never", sometimes works, and sometimes doesn't"??

You can certainly share some images with me (MZK) but you will need to be more specific about what works (have you uploaded images successfully before?) and what doesn't work? You should look at the image headers and try to reach some conclusions about whether they look consistent or not. Have you looked at the list of headers that are required by VPhot? Look at the link on the upload page. Do your images contain those headers? Do you always use the same software?

Perhaps we should talk off-line?



American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Thank you Ken..


I apologize for the vagueness of my initial post and my late response, I was on the road. I submit AAVSO reports successfully all the time but in this instant case when I upload a test image  Vphot reviews the header and tells me that It's good to go, I then upload the same image and Vphot informs me that it was successful and then when I check the "available images"..there's nothing there...

Sometimes I am able to see the uploaded images under "Available Images" then I process and submit the report to AAVSO and at other times there are NO available images EVEN though the server was showing that the subs were being processed.

I am willing to take this conversation offline if you give me an email and of course I am willing to share the subs with you but since I don't have "available images" displayed I'd either have to email you the subs OR I can share a dropbox folder with you.

Thank you so much for your time and I'm sure this is something I'm doing wrong and just I'm trying to find out what it is so that I can fix it.


Pablo Lewin


American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
VPhot missing files


Looking into this issue. Right now I see no files on your account except files uploaded today. On 5/14 you uploaded 12 T_Crb images. Did you ever see those on the Available Image list?

Email me ( and Ken directly and we'll get to the bottom of this.

American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Thank you George and Ken, I think I found the problem...

Thank you gentlemen, I think I found the problem. (In fact, I did)

Looking at my screen grab, I noticed that even though Vphot said that everything was green and "good to go I had the cutesy name KIC 8462852 (Tabby''s star) as the object name in the header...Well there's no such thing as KIC 8462852 (Tabby''s star) there's only KIC 8462852 and even thought he wizard doesn't know that adding a cutesy name/description will fool Vphot, Vphot does because after I edited the header to ONLY show KIC 8462852 Vphot recognized it and the single edited image is now listed.... I took the green "good to go" sign on the wizard as gospel and apparently the wizard only checks for integrity of header content but not whether the object as titled is available to Vphot....

Probelm solved. I'm sorry to have wasted your time and thank you so much for your interest and help.

Pablo Lewin

American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
VPhot missing file issue


I was happy to see your report that the problem was solved, but I'm not convinced it is solved yet. Having quotes in the name seemed a plausible culprit. But I've been able to upload files with that kind of name flaw.

If it's working now, great. But watch it like a hawk and report to me if you see the issue again. The more complete the report, the faster I can track down the issue in the logs. Names, times, places, what exactly happened; all these can be useful.


American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
George I'm back..with evidence!

George you were right and I'm at my wits end, I imaged Tabby's star again last night captured with Sequence Generator Pro and I uploaded today after BDF calibrating with astroimage J and platesolving with Pinpoint  when they upload I can see them on the Vphot server as they're being processed and then they disappear..never to appear on the image list ever again, so then I process them with CCDStack and I change their names, so now they upload to Vphot and I can see them, I use the sequence I made for Tabby's star to generate an AAVSO report for B and V then paste them on TA to generate a series report and for some reason when I try to upload the report to Web Obs  it tells me to "go to a darker" site because somehow when I calibrated with Astroimage J the airmass  some of the subs went from positive to negative...even though visually the subs are fine

I uploaded the subs, calibration files, Astoimage J processed files and even the CCDStack renamed subs to a dropbox folder for you or anybody else to look at what I'm doing wrong..if you and or somebody else reading this could look at them and tell me what I'm doing wrong I will be forever in your debt!...…

Thank you so much in advance!


Pablo Lewin