Sun, 02/01/2015 - 15:39

Yesterday was my last formal day of employment at the AAVSO, and today is the first day that Stella Kafka is Director.  I wanted to say "thank you" to the members and observers of the AAVSO for your contributions to the organization, and for your many acts of graciousness and volunteerism that I have been privvy to for the past decade.

Sending this post is a bittersweet experience.  I've spent 10 years of my career at the AAVSO, and it has been such a great privilege to work alongside so many amazing people, with a common passion for variable stars.  While I am saddened by walking away from the front lines, I also know that I am leaving an organization that is stronger than ever and well positioned to lead the way into a promising future of pro-am collaboration, science education and support for major surveys.

I've spent the past two weeks passing on as much information as I can to Stella about the inner workings of the AAVSO.  She is a quick learner, and has goals for the AAVSO that are well in line with our mission, encompassing many of the directions that I wish I only had had sufficient time to lead myself!  There will be no pause whatsoever in our activities and our role in the astronomy community.  I know that the Council and the staff can count on your continued support and will be the recipients of your volunteer efforts as they prepare to meet the challenges of our future.

I am NOT retiring from astronomy in general, nor from the AAVSO in particular.  Stella has asked me to continue my role in the technical aspects of AAVSOnet, and of course I have lots left to accomplish for APASS.  Somewhere in there, I'd like to finish that CCD book too.  I'm looking forward to contributing as an observer on upcoming campaigns.

Please realize that this has not been just a "job" to me - it has been my passion, and honor, to lead the AAVSO.  It will always remain close to my heart.

A happy New Year to all, and welcome to the exciting future!  Let's all stand beside Stella and make the AAVSO the best that it can be.  Clear skies to all!


More than a Decade of Thanks


The thanks extend for more than your ten years at AAVSO, but many more before, starting with the first edition of your book. Your guidance, advice, and encouragement over the years have inspired hundreds around the world.

Retirement is more getting to do what you want to do rather have to do. I never figured you would just walk away and become a member of the Wednesday Night Bingo Club. As a friend used to say, "You're just changing workstations."

Good luck to you and Linda. Enjoy. You deserve it.

Brian D. Warner
Eaton, CO

American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
So many thanks!!!!


Hi Arne,

I just want to add my $0.02 (USD!) to the chorus! Mega-thanks for all of your past and future contributions! You've done an amazing, great job as Director and the AAVSO has been transformed and is living up to its full potential because of your vision!!!

You and Linda should take a day or two holiday before you put your nose back to the grindstone as Director Emeritus!!!



American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)

I am writing to the AAVSO only a few months ago, but I still feel the desire to thank Arne for his work in the AAVSO. The big story AAVSO is about all those who, like Arne, who directed the association until it becomes the reference point for many fans around the world.
Thanks to all of you and best wishes to those who will take the place of Arne.
