New To Photometry and Would Like To Setup An Observing Program

American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Wed, 10/20/2021 - 16:47


I've just moved to an apartment where I cannot use my telescope, so I've signed up with iTelescope. I am particularly interested in Dwarf Novae such as SS Cyg. I had taken an online class that went into the astrophysics of dwarf novae and have imaged and processed the spectra of SS Cyg. I would like to develope an photometric observing program of a dwarf nova. While I have access to great equipment with iTelescope, it can be quite expensive, so I need to take that into consideration. I just started last week and had some success using VPhot-I got images of M 11 and SS Cyg to practice with. I'm open to any suggestion in setting up a photometric observing program that I might enjoy and might be of some value to AAVSO.


Richard Brown