New Transform Generator Release - TG V5.10 - Now Supports M11 Standards Field

American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Thu, 03/03/2016 - 19:01

A new version - TG V5.10 has been released. -

The major new capability is support for the M11 standards field in addition to M67 and NGC7790.

In addition, changes were made to what used to be the 3 sigma lines shown on the transform plots.  These lines aid users in selecting points to deactivate as being erroneous measurements. The lines had been caclucated using the transform slope error - sometimes known as SEm.  Brad Walters pointed out a different sigma was appropriate. Depending on your nomenclature, the appropriate error measurement is the one sigma error between the actual y axis values and the linear fit line - sometimes known as SEy. The plots now show a 2 sigma error band using SEy.  In theory, 95% of your observations should lie within this 2 sigma band.

There has also been a correction to the error value calculation for the color transforms (e.g. Tvb, Tvr, Tri, Tvi, ...) This change does not affect the transform value, but typically changes the error associated with the transform value by +/- 0-15%).

Separately for Mac users.  The newest Anaconda version has fixed errors which were preventing TG from operating properly.  So, if you are a Mac user, you have two choices.  You can continue to use your current set up and just copy the TG_V5.10.pyw file into the Photometry folder.  Or you can uninstall your old Anaconca version and install the new version (2.5.0) shown at   This new version of Anaconda has a more modern looking Terminal emulator.  One slight idiosyncrasy - once the transforms are calculated you need to click on the main window once to activate the color highlighting of the transforms for plotting.   (If you are going to uninstall the old Anaconda and install the new version, be sure you first save a copy of the /Photometry folder (located at /Anaconda/Photometry).  Then, after the installation of the new Anaconda, copy that saved /Photometry folder back into the new /Anaconda.  This will save all your previous work.)