The following is a list of variable star organization codes as given in column 20 ("Observer Affiliation") in files downloaded via our Data Download facility.
Please note that for data prior to 2011, this field will reflect the organization from which the AAVSO received the data (e.g. AFOEV or RASNZ). After 2011, this field will reflect the observer's own stated affiliation if they submit their own observations via WebObs and have chosen to select an Affiliation other than the AAVSO.
We request that any researchers using data from non-AAVSO groups should acknowledge both the AAVSO and the external groups when possible.
| affiliation | orgname | abbreviation |
| 0 | American Association of Variable Star Observers | AAVSO |
| 1 | Association Francaise des Observateurs d'Etoiles Variables | AFOEV |
| 2 | Bundesdeutsche Arbeitsgemeinschaft fur Veranderliche Sterne e.V.(Germany) | BAV |
| 3 | Magyar Csillagaszati Egyesulet, Valtozocsillag Szakcsoport (Hungary) | MCSE |
| 4 | Koninklijke Nederlandse Vereniging Voor Weer-en Sterrenkunde, Werkgroep Veranderlijke Sterren (Netherlands) | KNVWS |
| 5 | Vereniging Voor Sterrenkunde, Werkgroep Veranderlijke Sterren (Belgium) | VVS |
| 6 | Madrid Astronomical Association M1 (Spain) | AAM |
| 7 | Asociacion de Variabilistas de Espagne (Spain) | AVE |
| 8 | Norwegian Astronomical Society, Variable Star Section | NAS |
| 9 | Ukraine Astronomical Group, Variable Star Section | UAG |
| 10 | Astronomical Society of Southern Africa, Variable Star Section | ASSA |
| 11 | Astronomisk Selskab (Denmark) | AS |
| 12 | Liga Iberoamericana de Astronomia (South America) | LIADA |
| 13 | Rede de Astronomia Observacional (Brazil) | REA |
| 14 | Royal Astronomical Society of New Zealand, Variable Star Section | RASNZ-VSS |
| 15 | Agrupacion Astronomica de Sabadell (Spain) | AASABADELL |
| 16 | Association of Variable Star Observers - Pleione (Russia) | |
| 17 | URSA Astronomical Association, Variable Star Section (Finland) | URSA |
| 18 | Unione Astrofili Italiani (Italy) | UAI |
| 19 | Svensk Amator Astronomisk Forening, variabelsektionen (Sweden) | SAAF |
| 20 | British Astronomical Association, Variable Star Section | BAA-VSS |
| 21 | Israeli Astronomical Association, Variable Star Section | IAA-VSS |
| 22 | Sociedad Astronomica Syrma (Valladolid, Spain) | SASYRMA |
| 23 | Grupo Astronomico Silos (Zaragoza, Spain) | GAS |
| 24 | Astronomischer Jugendclub (Austria) | AJC |
| 25 | Variable Star Observers League in Japan | VSOLJ |
| 26 | Red de Observadores del Uruguay | ROU |
| 27 | Royal Astronomical Society of Canada | RASC |
| 28 | Asociacion Argentina Amigos de la Astronomia (Buenos Aires, Argentina) | AAAA |
| 29 | Variable Stars South | VSS |
| 30 | none | |
| 31 | Center for Backyard Astronomy | CBA |
| 32 | Groupe Europeen d'Observations Stellaires | GEOS |
| 33 | Variable Star NETwork | vsnet |
| 34 | Astronomical Society of South Australia | ASSAU |
| 35 | Red de Observatores de Estrellas Variables - MIRA (Spain) | ROEVM |
| 36 | Nucleo de Estudo e Observacao Astronomica - Jose Brazilicio de Souza (Florianopolis, Brazil) | NEOA-JBS |