Special Notice #200: Outburst of the infrequently outbursting dwarf nova KX Aquilae

March 9, 2010: Observer Tomas L. Gomez (Madrid, Spain) reports that the infrequently outbursting dwarf nova KX Aql is currently in outburst. Gomez detected the star at an unfiltered magnitude of 13.58 on 2010 March 9.242 UT (JD 2455264.742). This system has been poorly observed over the past few months; the most recent observation of KX Aql was also by T.L. Gomez, who reported a fainter-than unfiltered magitude of < 15.12 on 2010 February 20.2617 (2455247.7617). Thus the starting time of the current outburst is not yet known.
The properties of this system are poorly known and observations are encouraged. Time-series photometry is especially encouraged in case the object exhibits superhumps or other short-term variability that could provide clues as to the nature of this system.
KX Aql is located at the following (J2000) coordinates:
RA: 19:33:53.66 , Dec: +14:17:47.8
Charts for KX Aql may be plotted using AAVSO VSP (http://www.aavso.org/vsp).
Please report all observations to the AAVSO using the name "KX AQL".
This AAVSO Special Notice was prepared by Matthew Templeton.
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