Python file program association problem with TG software

American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Wed, 02/06/2019 - 01:46

Windows setup Word to open the TG software.  I've tried unsuccessfully to get it to switch to Python.  Any ideas?  Is there a place in the registry I can edit this?

American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Association with TG


I suspect you were a little too quick when clicking the windows association window for TG_V6.4.pyw? Word must have been in the default list although I have not seen that before?

Do not edit registry. First try to right click the TG_V6.4.pyw file and then click Open With, then scroll to bottom and search hard drive under Anaconda# (wherever you installed it?) to find pythonw.exe and make it the default program.

See if this works? If not, perhaps we can talk offline?

Ken (MZK)

PS: BTW, what version of anaconda/python did you install?

American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Yes, I think I was quick draw

Yes, I think I was quick draw McGraw on that one.  I installed Phython 2.7.  I've tried reassociating the file to no avail.  Google search finds many others have similiar problems though different software.  I'm using Windows 7.  I wonder if I did a total uninstall of Python if that would help.  Some say to edit the registry but it was not real clear how.  I did go in there and look around and I could not see anything odd but I'm no expert in that area.  I've been doing my transforms the old school way with spreadsheets.  I was hoping to try this TG to check my results.


American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
The issue appears to be that

The issue appears to be that my computer does not recognize Python.  With the newer version 3.7, I could change the icon to run or be recognized as a program to run.  It would never open.  With the older version, the system does not recognize python as a application.  I ran some tests at the command prompt using assoc commands.  It acts like there is no Python installed.  The files are there in the program data anaconda directory but will not activate.  Perhaps I should go back to trying the newer version of Python and somehow block my virus software.  I read that sometimes virus software packages can cause issues opening Python files.  I will try this tonight and see if I have any luck. 

American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
same issue here

Wondering if a resolution was obtained? I'm experiencing the exact same conditions on my Windows 7 installation of Python and TG. I've just uninstalled it all and will reinstall to see if that improves...

Shame that TG can't be available as an online application, as in VPhot like Transform Applier.

Jamey Jenkins

American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Install Fix

Jamey et al:

Try the items mentioned in the attached document. They work for most users. Report success or failure?


American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Install Fix

I reinstalled Anaconda using option #1 of the fix suggestions, "add Anaconda to the system PATH environment variable" and TG opened right up. THANKS FOR THE HELP KEN!!

Now on to developing transformation data...
