New Exoplanet Target List

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American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Thu, 05/09/2019 - 18:12

I have just posted a new exoplanet target list on the AAVSO Exoplanet Section web page (go to These 68 targets are confirmed exoplanets, whose transits should be observable with even a modest set of instrumentation at average seeing conditions. The purpose of followup observations of these targets is to start collecting data to help refine their ephemerides, as well as to support future Transit Timing Variation (TTV) studies and, of course, to help hone your exoplanet observing skills.

In addition, a transit finder, compliments of Eric Jensen of Swarthmore College, is now available for determining which transits of the above targets are observable from your location during a given night or calendar interval. As also described on the Section web page, you are encouraged to submit your observation reports of these targets via the new AAVSO Exoplanet Database.

Happy exoplanet observing!

Dennis Conti

Chair, AAVSO Exoplanet Section