Annual Meeting LPV Breakout Session Feedback

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American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Thu, 10/31/2019 - 15:15

Fellow LPVers,

Unfortunately I wasn’t able to attend the Annual Meeting in La Cruces, but thankfully Michael Cook stood in for me at the section breakouts. I certainly appreciate Michael stepping in.

He sent me the following feedback from the sessions.  

It was suggested developing an LPV Manual. I love this idea. I’m going to do some brainstorming with the team on how to best structure it. My initial thoughts see it as an extension of AAVSO observing handbooks. Many new observers start with LPVs so it would be good to equipment them with types of LPVs, observing pitfalls, where to find info, etc.

It was suggested doing a faint LPV of the month and a bright LPV of the month. At this point, producing 2 LPV of the month articles isn’t feasible unless we can get more people willing to write them. Trying to diversify the range from month to month does make sense and I’ll look at that when picking targets. I generally lean towards targets I can find a lot of research on. If you have a favorite star you want an article on, reach out to me. I can either write one or help you along with writing one. I’ve learned a lot by just digging in and doing these.

The bulletin is coming back in a modified fashion. We’re still working on details, so I’m not going to say too much right now.

Collaboration between the BSM section and LPV section was brought up. This is something I’ve wanted to do, so it’s good that the members brought it up. We’re trying to figure something out and any input would be greatly desire. It sounds like there are some LPV targets that need volunteers to adopt them in order to develop the light curves. We’ve also talked about members submitting a proposal to monitor a star with the BSM and then writing about the results in an LPV of the Month article.

Clear Skies,

Rich Roberts (RRIA)  

American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)


The LPV manual sounds like a great idea and I'm glad to hear the Bulletin may be coming back.


Steve Toothman TST 

Anonymous (not verified)
new LPV manual

As a new observer and one starting with LPVs, I second the thought that a manual is a fantastic idea...looking forward to see its development.


Royal Astronomical Society of New Zealand, Variable Star Section (RASNZ-VSS)

Hi Rich,

I'm more of a user of data these days than an observer.  I'd like to discuss a particular proposal with you off-line so could you give me an email address to contact you.  The recet meeting  sounded interesting but I don't travel well these days and it's a long drag across the Pacific.  I'm at

