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American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Thu, 05/28/2020 - 02:51

Hi everyone,

  I have just received two nights of data for R Scuti from BSM_S2. BSM_S2 is a new name. Is this because of the barrowed SBIG ST-8 camera?  Will there be transform coefficients for this setup?  As the replacement ASI183mm is there when it is in place will we have BSM_S3?          Should I wait for transform coefficients or report them un-transformed?

Clear skies,

Dennis, MSD


American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
BSM_S2 report

I have also received a set of images from BSM_S2.  Mine are for R CrB.

Pointing: good

Tracking:   B images (80s) are all trailed to some degree.  The stacked image is usuable, but not great.  Some of the V images (60s) are also trailed but not as badly as the B's.  The stacked image is okay.

I'd recommend limiting exposures in this scope to 60 seconds.

Sampling:  Slight oversampling.  Most stars have FWHM's between 3.5 and 4.5 pixels.  Probably not a problem.

Exposures:  No saturation in any comps or target.  Decent SNR's in most.

Transforms:  ...just checked.  There are still no transforms for this system.




American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Std Field Plans Committed

Should have some new Std Field images soon?


American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Transforms for BSM_S2


The  GU Sgr images from this system are starting to pile up in my list, waiting for transforms.  Do you have the standard field images yet?  If so,  perhaps you could share them with me.  I'd be happy to calculate temporary transforms for my own use until you can make the official transforms.

Also, I most recently got a set of images of GU Sgr for June 04 by BSM-S (non-2):  poor tracking in most images, 2 of 5 Ic images didn't solve (poor tracking?), major gradient across all images (clouds?, flat problem?, moon?). 

Can we please go back to BSM_S2 for GU Sgr?

If BSM_S2 is down, how about BSM_Berry?  I was getting very nice images from that system before being switched to BSM_S2.


American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
BSM_S2 Coeffs


Only a few poor images so far. Something is not working for S vs S2?

Berry undergoing a camera change to CMOS.



American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
BSM_S and BSM_S2


Okay.  Thanks for checking.

Yes, some things certainly aren't working for "S", tracking and also flatting (or maybe it is a light leak}.

For "S2", 80sec expsures don't work well at all, but 60 second exposures are usually okay.
