Volume 48, Number 2 of the Journal of the AAVSO was published today (15 December 2020)! The full content is available online to everyone - members and non-members. A pdf version may be downloaded; a print version will be available soon to everyone for purchase and will be announced. To access the issue and see the table of contents, please go to this page:
We hope you will enjoy this issue of JAAVSO - and will consider publishing your research results in a future issue!
Happy reading!
Elizabeth O. Waagen, Associate Editor
and on behalf of Nancy D. Morrison, Editor-in-Chief, and Michael Saladyga, Production Editor
What qualifies to be published in the JAAVSO as an Abstract Only? I think at least some were poster papers at the last meeting, but are there other qualifications? Are these abstracts for papers that have been submitted but are not yet approved for publication? Are they abstracts for papers published in other journals? Would I be committing a faux pas by contacting the authors directly for more information about the Abstract?
Hi Phil,
That is an excellent question - thanks for asking it! The items published in JAAVSO only as an Abstract are from presentations given at an AAVSO Spring or Annual Meeting (or at a meeting-related event such as a workshop). Presenters at these meetings/events are entitled to have their Abstract published in JAAVSO along with the rest of the presentation Abstracts. Of course, they are welcome to submit their presentation in article form to JAAVSO (where it goes through the same acceptance and refereeing process as any other JAAVSO submission). If they choose to submit an article and it is accepted for publication, the corresponding Abstract will not be included with other meeting Abstracts. If the article is rejected, the corresponding Abstract will be included with other meeting Abstracts.
Best wishes,