Novae finally given GCVS names

American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Sun, 04/07/2013 - 13:42

The 80th Name-List of Variable Stars (Part III -- RA 16h to 24h) just came out and it contains several novae now given GCVS names.

V1724 Aql, Nova Aql 2012

V0965 Per, Nova Per 2011

V0834 Car, Nova Car 2012

V5589 Sgr, Nova Sgr 2012 No. 1

V1368 Cen, Nova Cen 2012

V5590 Sgr, Nova Sgr 2012 No. 2

V0809 Cep, Nova Cep 2013

V5591 Sgr, Nova Sgr 2012 No. 3

V0959 Mon, Nova Mon 2012

V5592 Sgr, Nova Sgr 2012 No. 4

V2676 Oph, Nova Oph 2012 No. 1

V5593 Sgr, Nova Sgr 2012 No. 5

V2677 Oph, Nova Oph 2012 No. 2

V1324 Sco, Nova Sco 2012

V0965 Per?

Looking through this list, I don't see V0965 Per listed as a CBET, and the online GCVS does not contain NL81.  The unconfirmed obs page doesn't have this target. Does anyone have information on this object?

There are still a bunch of 2011 novae that do not have names.


American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Re: Novae finally given GCVS names


V0965 Per was announced on ATel #3746 and IAUC 9247.  According to my nova list, there were 5 novae discovered in 2011 and all of them have GCVS names: N Sgr 2011/1 = V5587 Sgr, N Sgr 2011/2 = V5588 Sgr, N Sco 2011/1 = V1312 Sco, N Sco 2011/2 = V1313 Sco, N Lup 2011 = PR Lup.

Are there some that I've missed?


The second nova in Centaurus

The second nova in Centaurus for 2012 is also not listed.  Discovered by John Seach on 4 April 2012, it is still sitting on TOCP (TCP J14250600-5845360) and as far as I'm aware no CBET was issued confirming it as a nova.  Terry Bohlsen obtained several spectra of it with a LISA spectrograph confirming that it was a nova and I think from memory that he did forward this information to CBAT.

A forgotten nova?


Cheers -


Rob Kaufman (KBJ)

Bright, Victoria, Australia

novae names

Hi Bob,

The 2011 novae were not "called out" in the recent namelist as newly named novae, so I had overlooked them.  The one that I see as still missing is Nova Cen 2012 n2, but that is recent.  So you are correct: we are pretty much up to date on nova-naming at this point.


American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Re: Novae finally given GCVS names


The names for the five novae I listed for 2011 where published in The 80th Name-List of Variable Stars - Part II (IBVS 6008).  The GCVS staff decided to publish NL 80 in four parts due to the high number of new discoveries. 

As for novae in 2012, besides Nova Cen 2012 No. 2, there was a second possible nova in Carina as well.  Not sure if that turned out to be another type of variable or not.  Rob Kaufman (KBJ) published a nice summary of novae in 2012 in the Novae forum (


 Yes Bob, the second PNV in

 Yes Bob, the second PNV in Carina in 2012 is still sitting on TOCP as PNV J09410000-5759540, with only one confirmation.   I remember imaging it several times, quite a reddened object.  There are a few obs in the AAVSO database but I don't think a CBET was issued??


Cheers -

Rob Kaufman (KBJ)

Bright, Victoria, Australia

Actually, just checked and

Actually, just checked and there are 90 observations from 4 observers of the second PNV in Carina for 2012 in the database.


Cheers -
