Wed, 09/25/2019 - 08:36
The Palomar Gattini-IR. Palomar Gattini-IR wide-field NIR survey found a candidate transient generated in at a J band mag of 11.3 ± 0.02 mag on UT 2019-09-17.25 and at J2000 coordinates
RA: 21:09:25.52
Dec: +48:10:51.9
The source was not detected to a 5 sigma depth of 13.8 mag on UT 2019-09-14.27.
There is no source at the position of the transient in archival 2MASS images.
The transient is at a galactic latitude of 0.2 degrees, with a corresponding
integrated line of sight extinction of 14.6 mags in g-band and 3.1 mags
in J band (Schalfly et al. 2011). Subsequent detections of the source indicate
a steady rise to a magnitude of 10.6 ± 0.01 mag on UT 2019-09-24.26.
More details:
Nothing visible on my 4x60s stacked DSLR images made on 19 September ~01:54UT (limit mag ~16.0TG).
PGIR19brv is quite bright on the 2x90s I-band images I made using a 0.41m reflector at New Mexico this morning. Photometry will be done later.
I'll check my 2x90s V-band images soon.
The nova is clearly visible on the 2x60s V-band images too, somewhere around ~17.0V. (Precize photometry will be done later.)
AAVSO chart of PGIR19brv:
Using the 24-inch Norfolk State University Rapid Response Robotic Telescope (RRRT) located at the University of Virginia Fan Mountain Observatory and via the Skynet Robotic Telescope Network the follow photometry was obtained for PGIR19brv (AT2019qwf).
JD 2458752.61851 V 16.885 (0.042) from stack of 2 x 240s
2458752.62306 Rc 14.620 (0.013) from stack of 2 x 120s
V-Rc +2.265
James A. DeYoung (DEY)
Burleith Observatory, Washington, DC 0.32-m PlaneWave CDK + SBIG STL-1001E CCD Cousins Ic filter
4-min exposures.
Richard Schmidt (SREB)
2458752.6486468 13.11346 0.00788
2458752.6516127 13.11558 0.00797
2458752.6545631 13.09924 0.00802
2458752.6584173 13.11329 0.00806
2458752.6612855 13.10507 0.00796
2458752.6641528 13.09896 0.00790
2458752.6670183 13.10254 0.00797
2458752.6698858 13.10706 0.00797
2458752.6727531 13.10485 0.00799
2458752.6756206 13.09659 0.00787
2458752.6784884 13.11006 0.00818
2458752.6873806 13.10236 0.00810
PGIR19brv (AT2019qwf)
New Ic photometry from Burleith Observatory Washington DC Ensemble 6 comp stars + CK
39 images 4-min 0.32-m PlaneWave CDK + SBIG STL-1001E CCD + Cousins I filter
Mean JD Mean m(Ic) Mean MAGERR
2458753.5834793 13.093 (0.0082) 0.0076
Previous night:
2458752.6658188 13.106 (0.0080)
Nova brightening in 24 hours: 0.0126 mag(Ic)
Richard Schmidt
to Richard Schmidt:
From the format it looks that the values of MAGERR were determined with MaximDL, based on 6 comparison stars. Could you verify the values of MAGERR independently, as MDL uses only the first comparison star while ignoring all others. This error is documented (forum MDL and AAVSO), and according to DL will be corrected in a newer version, yet to appear.
I do not use MaximDL, I use C-Muniwin.
I do not use MaximDL, I use C-Muniwin 2.1.27
In that version MDL? 5.** or 6.**? Or both?
Observations in Cousins Ic October 2, 2019
Burleith Observatory 0.32-m CDK + STL-1001E CCD
8 x 4-min exposures
Mean HJD 2458758.70990341
Mean mag (Ic) 13.016 stdev. +- 0.009
The slow rise is continuing...
Latest Cousins Ic photometry:
Means of 33 4-min exposures, ensemble photometry 6 comps:
HJD mag(Ic) magerr
2458767.54859939 12.924 0.0079
Latest Ic photometry mean of 43 observations
MJD 768.59793555 12.876 (0.008)
Still brightening...Cousins Ic, mean of 52 observations tonight.
2458771.5666724 12.8271 +/-0.0076 mean error
AT2019qwf is still on the rise. See latest Ic data from Burleith Observatory
Richard Schmidt
AT2019qwf is still on the rise. See latest Ic data from Burleith Observatory
AT2019qwf appears to have peaked and begun a slight decline. See graph.
There is preliminary indication that the orbital period is 3.7973 hours, epoch 2458758.6920 based on 318 observations over a time span of 17 days (reduced to nightly means). Mean amplitude of curve fit 0.009 magnitude Ic. Source: Peranso ANOVA, DCDFT, DFT and CLEANest period solutions. VStar DC DFT standard analysis gives a period of 0.174846 days , epoch 2458758.692.
VStar analysis attached here...
Rich Schmidt
Burleith Observatory.
Following two days of decline, PGIR19bvr has now brightened to its max so far, 12.551 Cousins I band.
A possible orbital period is found: 3.7991 hr +- 0.0064 amplitude 0.010 based on 422 obs. time span 22.94 d. Epoch 1458758.6920
Rich Schmidt
Burleith Observatory
Latest point mean of 57 observations.
Rich Schmidt
Burleith Observatory
Still on the rise tonight!
Latest nightly mean Ic photometry...
Tonight mean of 34 4-min. exposures, I-band.
MJD 794.53925256 11.922 (.008)
Richard Schmidt Burleith Observatory Washington, DC
Finally a CBET on V2891 Cyg (behind paywal):
"R. E. Schmidt, Washington, DC, writes that he has derived an observed photometric period of 3.7991 ± 0.0048 hr and a polynomial fit of 0.018
magnitude for the mean amplitude at Oct. 2.192 UT in the Cousins I band from his 583 CCD images obtained during Sept. 26.17-Nov. 4.06 with a 0.32-mastrograph at the Burleith Observatory."
His nightly I-band photometry can be seen in the AAVSO light curve above.
"He adds that this indicates a very slow rising, perhaps indicative of 'F'-class novae such as DO Aql 1925."
V2891 Cyg = PGIR19brv
Cousins I photometry from Burleith Observatory
MJD Ic Err
752.66581880 13.106 0.008
753.58347930 13.093 0.008
758.70990341 13.016 0.009
767.54859939 12.924 0.008
768.59793555 12.876 0.008
771.56667243 12.827 0.008
773.56186822 12.696 0.008
774.57765200 12.652 0.008
775.57886101 12.659 0.008
780.55384379 12.718 0.008
781.55132119 12.551 0.008
784.55128261 12.529 0.008
789.57086300 11.894 0.005
790.54321827 11.782 0.006
791.55758836 11.794 0.007
794.53925256 11.922 0.008
797.50008805 11.772 0.010
798.48570537 11.658 0.008
Tonight's mean of 24 images
MJD Ic Mag err
799.50445 11.866 (0.017)
RIch Schmidt
Burleith Observatory
Nova V2891 Cyg still brightening as of last night. Mean of 30 images Burleith Observatory:
MJD Mag Ic MagErr
800.531600 11.468 (0.009)
This novai is still on the rise, very much worth watching!
See chart...
V2891 Cyg Nightly means
Burleith Observatory
Richard Schmidt
MJD mag Ic magErr
752.66581880 13.106 0.008
753.58347930 13.093 0.008
758.70990341 13.016 0.009
767.54859939 12.924 0.008
768.59793555 12.876 0.008
771.56667243 12.827 0.008
773.56186822 12.696 0.008
774.57765200 12.652 0.008
775.57886101 12.659 0.008
780.55384379 12.718 0.008
781.55132119 12.551 0.008
784.55128261 12.529 0.008
789.57086300 11.894 0.005
790.54321827 11.782 0.006
791.55758836 11.794 0.007
794.53925256 11.922 0.008
797.50008805 11.772 0.010
798.48570537 11.658 0.008
799.50444928 11.866 0.017
800.53159988 11.468 0.009
802.55091400 11.233 0.008
804.49734345 11.447 0.007
Latest photometry from Burleith Observatory...
Latest photometry from Burleith Observatory...
Latest photometry from Burleith Observatory...
Here is a Alpy600/LISA-IR spectrum I got of this object last month from Mt. Pinos, CA:
Not much data in the Visual, but nice OI(8446A) line in the IR.
p.s. Now to submit the photometry data I've taken on it.........
V2891 Cyg = PGIR19brv Cousins I photometry from Burleith Observatory
I've been following this object w/DSLRs and reporting TG, and TR for this object.
I stacked 9 x 360s RGB images of V2891 Cyg from 2019 December 4 centered around 0h UTC using DeepSkyStacker. I used a Pentax Kp @ 630mm efl f/5.6 + iOptron CEM40EC mount. The nova is marked. North is up and east left. The original 6kx4k image was cropped to 0.5kx0.5k. .Yes, it really is red!
Jim DeYoung (DEY)
V2891 Cyg remarkable brightening in the past few days...
Latest I band photometry from Burleith Observatory
Latest I band photometry from Burleith Observatory; nova in decline again.
Latest Ic photometry from Burleith Observatory. See article in Feb 2020 JAAVSO
Latest Ic photometry from Burleith Observatory. See article in Feb 2020 JAAVSO
Latest Ic photometry from Burleith Observatory.SIgnificant brightening in past 48 hours.
Latest Ic photometry from Burleith Observatory. Poor sky transparency tonight.
Latest Ic photometry from Burleith Observatory. Poor sky transparency tonight.