Fellow AAVSO Members:
The Nominating Committee (Drs. Paula Szkody, Tom Williams, and I) are pleased to present the following slate of candidates for AAVSO Council for the 2014 election. Four are to be elected. All are AAVSO members in good standing, who mave made significant contributions to variable star astronomy and/or the AAVSO. They include 3 professionals and 5 amateurs. They are spread across the country, and represent a wide range of AAVSO-related interests, including education and outreach. There is one incumbent, Dr. Martin. We thank several AAVSO members who contributed good advice and/or suggestions. The candidates are listed in alphabetical order. More biographical information, and candidates' statements will be provided with the ballot.
- Dave Cowall MD (Maryland)
- Barbara Harris MD (Florida)
- Rodney Howe (Colorado)
- Katrien Kolenberg PhD (Massachusetts; Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics)
- John Martin PhD (Illinois; University of Illinois Springfield); incumbent
- Joe Patterson PhD (New York; Columbia University)
- Richard Sabo MD (Montana)
- Bradley Walter (Texas)
Submitted by John Percy, PhD, Chair, on July 11, 2014
John - many thanks to you and your committee for your hard work!
The ballot got lost - any way to get another copy?
Hi Gordon,
The ballots have not been sent out yet. This will happen probably Tuesday. According to the ByLaws, we can't give formal notice of the meeting more than 50 days in advance, so the ballots (which are part of that notice) are typically sent out about 6 weeks prior to the meeting.
Arne: Thanks, I thought mine go lost also, but, now I know, I will be looking for it. It is a good slate. Just how many do we vote for from the ballot. HNL
Hi Anna
(I missed you this week!)
You vote for 4 out of the 8. I think this is the strongest slate of candidates that we've had in years; I will have trouble myself voting for just 4!