Sat, 07/13/2013 - 04:09
While driving home after a week away on work I was lucky enough to hear an interview with Rod Stubbings (legend of cataclysmic variables observation!), broadcast on ABC regional radio yesterday. ABC is the national broadcaster in Australia. It was really interesting to hear about his journey in astronomy which led to his cataclysmic variables observing, and in his own words. The interview was pitched for general interest and did not fail on that score, well done Rod. After the interview, the announcer played Starman by David Bowie, dedicated to Rod! Nice to hear variable star observing getting a plug in 'mainstream' media.
Cheers -
Rob Kaufman (KBJ
Bright, Victoria, Australia
Is it online available?
The interview can be found here.
Thanks for that great link! Funnily enough, that's not the interview I heard. It was with ABC journalist & presenter Nicole Chvastek on the Statewide Drive program, and it sounded like a telephone link-up. I can't seem to find a link to the story or transcript anywhere though, but it doesn't really matter as your link is excellent. Maybe it was Rod Stubbings Day at the ABC!
Thanks. I just watched it.
Thanks for the feedback!
What a great spot. This is the type of adverisement we need.