Mon, 01/15/2018 - 22:20
Recently, S Cephei has developed one of the brightest minima since records began, except for the minimum of 1926.
The attached light curves (using VStar) show the interesting long term evolution.
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Very good catch! S Cep is certainly an interesting LPV Carbon star that has an unusual Light Curve (LC). It should be very interesting to see just high bright S Cep gets on it's upcoming Maxima and see it it's going to have another "hump" event toward Maxima!
For those that are interested I wrote an "LPV of the Month" article for October 2016 ( ) where I tried to hightlight some of the interesting things this star does. I guess I forcused on the "dips" in the Maxima brightness for the star but I didn't say anything about the bright Minimas and Maximas that can also occur.
To read more about this please see Matthew Templeton's article from 2012 at
Frank Schorr (SFRA)
Hi Alfredo and Frank
Nice! To illustrate the point Frank makes in his article change about period change over time, see the attached plot of period vs time from a Weighted Wavelet Z transform with VStar of the last ~100 years.
Hi David.
Great add to the light curves. VStar is the perfect tool to unmask odd stars that sometimes behave strangely.
Thanks Alfredo.