Mon, 02/03/2020 - 12:36
Paul York took "ownership" of the BSM network S Dor monitoring observations about a year ago (AAVSONet Proposal #96), and has been analyzing and submitting measures of that field ever since.
Paul has informed us that he is no longer able to analyze the S Dor images, with the last set analyzed being 9/26/2019.
If someone is interested in taking over this monitoring effort, submit a brief proposal (much like what Paul did). I think it is a really pretty field, and continuous observations of this famous star are welcomed by the professional community.
Doesn't look as though anyone took up your request to take "ownership" of S Dor, as I am still listed on the BSM Section web pages as the "adopter".
That's fine, as it happens I am again in a position to process images, using VPhot. Today, I received 3 sets of observations in my Inbox for S Dor and I will process these. Those emails prompted me to look at this Forum and see what was going on.
So, if you still need someone to process the S Dor images, I can do that.
Also, can you verify that the appropriate coefficients to use are those supplied by Ken Menzies in his posting of 05/11/2020 under "BSM Berry Transformation Coefficients".
Will these coefficients change as a result of the upgrades to BSM Berry mentioned in your AAVSOnet Status update of 16th October 2020?
Regards: Paul (YPFA)
Hi Paul
I've been receiving and analysing images of S Dor from BSM Berry for quite some time now. In fact I just uploaded a bunch today. I'm not sure why these are being sent to the two of us. Is this a double up?
Andrew Pearce (PEX)
Hi Andrew
See Arne's recent postings.
I am curious as to which stars you are using for comparison and check, and also what aperture you have chosen/
Hi Paul and Andrew,
I'm having someone look into this double assignment. Perhaps in the near future, BSM_South will be operational and we can assign one telescope to each of you.
Regarding transformation coefficients: the coefficient is largely driven by the filter, which remains the same with the new camera. However, the QE curve of the camera will impact the coefficients as well. I think Ken is getting cluster observations to derive new coefficients, so I'd either submit non-transformed observations for now or else wait until new coefficients are available.
Hi Arne
I'd be happy to receive the BSM_South observations, once the scope is operational, provided that this is OK with Andrew of course.
I notice that the accompanying email now says something like "please examine the images and advise us if the exposure needs to be changed". Does this hint at a procedural change insofar as volunteers such as (Andrew and I) are expected to do the Image Inspection (step D in the Pipeline diagram. If so, fine, but I don't think I ever went about this in any systematic way.
It would be really good if this inspection step was documented somewhere to ensure consistent treatment of images. Is this the case?
I am observing S Dor since a couple of years from my remote site in Chile nearly continuously in two colors. I have not transformed my observations.
I need to revise my recent I filtered photometry as the real filter was an R filter instead of the I filter assumed.
I look forward to see how your photometry will compare to mine.