The American Astronomical Society's Chambliss Amateur Achievement Award for exemplary research by an amateur astronomer (2015)
Mike Simonsen
AAVSO former staff member and longtime observer Mike Simonsen is the recipient of the American Astronomical Society's Chambliss Amateur Achievement Award for exemplary research by an amateur astronomer. The AAS specifically cites Mike's multiyear Z CamPaign which is dedicated to the long-term study of Z Camelopardalis stars. "Simonsen's research," the AAS announcement states, "...promises to have a long-lasting impact on the field of accretion-disk theory." The full announcement can be found on the AAS's website at:
The full AAVSO announcement can be found at:
The American Astronomical Society Education Prize (2013)
John R. Percy
"The 2013 Education Prize goes to John R. Percy (University of Toronto) for more than 40 years of tireless advocacy for K-12 astronomy education in Canada and worldwide, during which he has trained and mentored many people who themselves have made major contributions to astronomy, astronomy education, and amateur astronomy. John Percy is further recognized for leading and promoting effective partnerships with amateur astronomers and informal educators, for his public outreach efforts and leadership through numerous scientific societies, for his role in programs that use astronomy to inspire youth throughout Canada and in underserved communities worldwide, and for inspiring the international Galileo Project combining astronomy, music, and visual arts."
The AAVSO 107th Annual Meeting, 2018
The AAVSO extends its grateful appreciation and sincere thanks to
Tyler Arnold
"for their valuable volunteer contributions to the AAVSO through their work on creating new marketing material promoting the AAVSO's work to the community." (image of certificate)
Zachary Burkhart
"for their valuable volunteer contributions to the AAVSO through their work on creating new marketing material promoting the AAVSO's work to the community." (image of certificate)
Keanu David
"for their valuable volunteer contributions to the AAVSO through their work on creating new marketing material promoting the AAVSO's work to the community." (image of certificate)
Prof. Carolyn Shiery
"for their valuable volunteer contributions to the AAVSO through their work on creating new marketing material promoting the AAVSO's work to the community." (image of certificate)
The AAVSO extends its grateful appreciation and sincere thanks to
Juan-Luis González Carballo
"for their valuable volunteer contributions to the AAVSO and the variable star community through their work on generating the VSX new data submission manual." (image of certificate)
David H. Hinzel
"for their valuable volunteer contributions to the AAVSO and the variable star community through their work on generating the VSX new data submission manual." (image of certificate)
Gabriel Murawski
"for their valuable volunteer contributions to the AAVSO and the variable star community through their work on generating the VSX new data submission manual." (image of certificate)
Sebastián A. Otero
"for their valuable volunteer contributions to the AAVSO and the variable star community through their work on generating the VSX new data submission manual." (image of certificate)
Patrick Wils
"for their valuable volunteer contributions to the AAVSO and the variable star community through their work on generating the VSX new data submission manual." (image of certificate)
The AAVSO 106th Annual Meeting, 2017
The AAVSO acknowledges with thanks the valuable contribution of
Donn R. Starkey
" for his work in coordinating the AAVSO mentor program between 2015 and 2017 and for his role as a mentor to many variable star observers." (image of certificate)
The AAVSO extends its sincere thanks and appreciation to
Chandler Barnes
"for his valuable volunteer contributions to the AAVSO through his work on developing the AAVSO Target Tool (ATAT), which is an essential and customizable resource used by variable star observers in planning their observing programs and supporting variable star research." (image of certificate)
Dan Burger
"for his valuable volunteer contributions to the AAVSO through his work on developing the AAVSO Target Tool (ATAT), which is an essential and customizable resource used by variable star observers in planning their observing programs and supporting variable star research." (image of certificate)
Kenneth Li
"for his valuable volunteer contributions to the AAVSO through his work on developing the AAVSO Target Tool (ATAT), which is an essential and customizable resource used by variable star observers in planning their observing programs and supporting variable star research." (image of certificate)
Phil Manno
"for his invaluable volunteer contributions to the AAVSO through his work on creating the AAVSO Member Search tool and on re-writing and improving the CHart Error Tracking tool (CHET), both of which are widely used by AAVSO members and observers." (image of certificate)
Jennifer (Jeno) Sokoloski
"for her valuable volunteer contributions to the AAVSO through her work on developing the AAVSO Target Tool (ATAT), which is an essential and customizable resource used by variable star observers in planning their observing programs and supporting variable star research." (image of certificate)
Keivan Stassun
"for his valuable volunteer contributions to the AAVSO through his work on developing the AAVSO Target Tool (ATAT), which is an essential and customizable resource used by variable star observers in planning their observing programs and supporting variable star research." (image of certificate)
The AAVSO extends its congratulations to
George H. East
"for his spectacular photographic montage of the Total Solar Eclipse of August 21, 2017, which was the winning entry in the AAVSO Solar Eclipse photograph competition." (image of certificate)
The AAVSO 105th Annual Meeting, 2016
The AAVSO extends its sincere thanks and appreciation to
Dennis Conti
"for his invaluable volunteer work in developing the AAVSO Exoplanet Observing Section and Database and providing to the amateur observing community the means of acquiring the necessary exoplanet transit observing skills." (image of certificate)
Francis Hemsher
"for his invaluable volunteer contribution to the AAVSO and to the astronomical community through his designing and developing the new AAVSO Light Curve Generator, an essential resource that will be used by countless variable star observers and researchers." (image of certificate)
George A. Silvis
"for his extremely valuable volunteer contribution through his development and refinement of the Eggen Card Database, user interface, and procedures for interpreting and recording the contents of the cards, and his oversight of the project, enabling the classification of the nearly 110,000 observation cards of variable star astronomer Olin J. Eggen." (image of certificate)
Patrick Wils
"for his ongoing and invaluable volunteer contributions to the infrastructure and technical needs of the AAVSO through his work on the International Variable Star Index and his development of numerous Application Programming Interfaces for AAVSO software." (image of certificate)
The AAVSO 104th Annual Meeting, 2015
The AAVSO extends its sincere thanks and appreciation to
James H. Fox
"in grateful recognition of his dedicated service to the AAVSO as Chair of the AAVSO Photoelectric Photometry Committee and Section since 2006, his mentoring of many beginning and experienced photoelectric photometric observers, and his valuable contribution of nearly 5,000 visual and photoelectric photometric observations to the AAVSO International Database since July 1999." (image of certificate)
Carl Knight
"for his contributions as a mentor to Tessa Hiscox, helping her to achieve her goals for her Astronomy science fair project; and as a mentor to the faculty and administrators of Tessa's high school, helping them to realize that astronomy can be successfully included in the curriculum and in science fair topics, and encouraging them in their efforts to expand access to astronomy to their students." (image of certificate)
Tessa Hiscox
"in recognition of her accomplishment as the recipient of a unique Distinction Award for her Astronomy science fair project Star Light Star Bright on UU Muscae at Freyberg High School. The AAVSO admires her determination and perseverance to pursue and accomplish her scientific research goals, appreciates her abilities in working both independently and with her mentors, and considers her a role model for girls, teens, students, and citizen scientists everywhere." (image of certificate)
The AAVSO 100th Annual Meeting, 2011
Thomas A. Bretl
" recognition of his outstanding volunteer efforts in the creation of new and revised sequences for AAVSO program stars. In just a few short years, he has elevated the use of photometric resources, AAVSO software and tools, and the guidelines for sequence creation to an art form. Not only is he a conscientious, reliable, and valued volunteer, he has become the most prolific member of the charts and sequences team in this decade, producing sequences for over 500 variable stars since 2009. Tom is well liked and respected by all the members of the team. His energy and enthusiasm are infectious, and it is an honor to work with him."
Jan A. Smit
" recognition of his valuable contribution to the AAVSO International Database since 1986 of 19,027 visual observations of Southern Hemisphere variable stars; his contributions to minor planet occultation work; his mentoring of many younger observers in the art of variable star observing; and his public education efforts in introducing basic astronomy to the public during the open evenings and star parties at the Pretoria Centre of the Astronomical Society of Southern Africa."
The AAVSO 99th Annual Meeting, 2010
Paul Mortfield
"...for his contributions to the AAVSO and solar astronomy through serving as Chair of the AAVSO Solar Committee/ Section for four years, providing the leadership for its smooth operation, ensuring the continuity of the American Relative Sunspot Number program, publishing the AAVSO Solar Bulletin, mentoring new solar observers, and contributing over 40 monthly SID reports to the program."
William Michael Hill
"...for his ten years of dedicated leadership of the Sudden Ionospheric Disturbance program of the AAVSO Solar Committee/Section, bringing the SID program to maturity and ensuring that observations are regularly analyzed and results published in the AAVSO Solar Bulletin, creating software for data reporting and analysis, mentoring SID observers and fostering team spirit, and contributing over 160 monthly SID reports to the program."
The AAVSO 98th Annual Meeting, 2009
Charles Scovil
In recognition of his devotion to science, public education, and the ideals of the Association, and for the manner in which he has represented the AAVSO for over fifty years as councilor, officer, committee chair, Atlas and chart preparer and advisor, Journal associate editor, Circular co-editor, and contributor of over 37,000 visual observations to the AAVSO International Database,
this is to certify that
Charles E. Scovil
is an Honorary member of the American Association of Variable Star Observers for life, and is thereby entitled to all the privileges pertaining thereto.
Arthur Ritchie
"...for ten years of devoted volunteer service to the Association through assisting the Solar Committee Chair in digitizing Sunspot reports and helping with all manner of tasks at Headquarters, large and small, exciting and mundane, with cheerful enthusiasm and efficiency, sharing his kindness of spirit and wisdom with his colleagues."
Caroline Moore"... in recognition of her accomplishment as the youngest person to discover a supernova, and her contribution to science in that Supernova 2008ha in UGC 12682 was an unusual, potentially rare, type of supernova event. The AAVSO admires her patience and perseverance and considers her a role model for teens, girls, women, data miners, and citizen scientists everywhere."
Mike Simonsen interviews Caroline Moore (as part of a podcast)
The AAVSO 97th Spring Meeting, 2008
Roger PickardIn recognition of his contributions to and support of international cooperation in the creation and dissemination of standardized comparison star sequences and charts, encouraging and promoting the exchange of information, data, and ideas between the British Astronomical Association, Variable Star Section, and the AAVSO, his lifelong contributions to variable star research as an observer, and his distinguished service as Director of the BAAVSS, this is to certify that Roger D. Pickard is an Honorary member of the American Association of Variable Star Observers for life, and is thereby entitled to all the privileges pertaining thereto.
December 28, 2007
Tom Droege
In recognition of his promotion of amateur-professional collaboration in astronomy, his mentoring of amateurs, and the vast amount of energy and funds he has contributed in making the TASS MarkIV survey a reality, this is to certify that Thomas F. Droege is an Honorary member of the American Association of Variable Star Observers for life, and is thereby entitled to all the privileges pertaining thereto.
The AAVSO 96th Annual Meeting, 2007
Leonard B. Abbey, Jr.
" appreciation of more than 50 years of service to the AAVSO, not only through his contribution of variable star observations, but also through his devotion of numerous hours as a volunteer and programmer to create and maintain important software packages that have been used by hundreds of observers and researchers worldwide."
The AAVSO 95th Annual Meeting, 2006
Christopher Watson
"... for his dedicated efforts in supplying cutting-edge technological services to both the AAVSO and the astronomical community as a whole. His Variable Star Index (VSX) program is assisting thousands of variable star observers and researchers in their mutual quest to understand these enigmatic points of light."
The AAVSO 94th Annual Meeting, 2005
Charles E. Scovil
"... for forty years of devoted volunteer service to the Association, and in particular for 35 years as Chair of the AAVSO Telescope Committee, where your expertise with observing equipment was invaluable, and for 13 years as Chair of the AAVSO New Charts Committee, where your diligence and meticulous work helped realize the standardization of AAVSO charts and make more efficient their creation, drafting, and distribution."
Charles A. Whitney
"... for thirty years of devoted volunteer service to the Association as Editor of the Journal of the AAVSO. Through your knowledge, guidance, constant support, and professionalism, you have helped to make the Journal into a recognized and respected resource for variable star research, and in this way, you have helped to further the goals of the AAVSO."
The AAVSO 91st Spring Meeting, 2002
Arne Henden
"... for his greatly valued mentoring of the observers and his enthusiastic and untiring support of the activities of the AAVSO International GRB Network."
Chryssa Kouveliotou and Gerald Fishman
"... for strongly suporting the activities of the AAVSO International GRB Network, organizing with the AAVSO the Second High-Energy Astrophysics Workshop for Amateur Astronomers, and for the greatly valued and fruitful collaboration."
Riccardo Giacconi
The Nobel Prize in Physics, 2002
Riccardo Giacconi, the "father of X-ray astronomy," has received the Nobel Prize in physics for "pioneering contributions to astrophysics," which have led to the discovery of cosmic X-ray sources. [More]
The American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO) had the honor of hosting Dr. Giacconi as guest speaker for the Dedication of the AAVSO Headquarters, the Clinton B. Ford Astronomical Data and Research Center, Cambridge, Massachusetts, on Wednesday, August 6, 1986. He talked about the significant contributions of AAVSO members to astronomy and cited several examples of collaboration between amateurs and professionals that has advanced astronomical research of variable stars. [ Full text of remarks ]
The AAVSO 90th Annual Meeting, Somerville, Massachusetts, November 3, 2001
Howard J. Landis
Howard J. Landis accepts his award of appreciation for 26 years as PEP Chairman, archivist, and AAVSO mentor.
Special Award of Appreciation and Thanks
Presented to Howard J. Landis
"...for his many contributions to the AAVSO, including 26 years as Chair of the AAVSO Photoelectric Photometry Committee, serving as Archivist of the AAVSO PEP Database since its inception, and mentoring observers around the world." [full text of citation]
The AAVSO 89th Annual Meeting, Waltham, Massachusetts, October 28, 2000
John Bortle
John E. Bortle is presented with his award for dedication to and 30 years editorship of the AAVSO Circular.
AAVSO Award of Appreciation
Presented to:
John E. Bortle
"...for his thirty years of dedication and service to observers and researchers worldwide in informing them of variable star activity as the editor of the AAVSO Circular."
The High-Energy Astrophysics Workshop for Amateur Astronomers, held in Huntsville, Alabama, April 13-14, 2000
AAVSO Award of Appreciation
Presented to:
NASA/Marshall Space Flight Center
"...for their gracious hospitality, for their help in the local organization of the first-ever High-Energy Astrophysics Workshop for Amateur Astronomers, and for promoting astronomy to the public, educators, and students."
AAVSO Award of Appreciation
Presented to:
Von Braun Astronomical Society
"...for their gracious hospitality, for their help in the local organization of the first-ever High-Energy Astrophysics Workshop for Amateur Astronomers, and for promoting astronomy to the public, educators, and students."
Cambridge, Massachusetts, August 14, 1999
AAVSO Award of Congratulations and Thanks
Presented to:
Mahoning Valley Astronomical Society
"...for its 60th Anniversary of the Society and the many contributions to astronomy, particularly in variable stars, made by the Society."
Naming of Minor Planet in honor of Margaret and Newton Mayall — January 26, 1990
Margaret Mayall
Brian Marsden presents a certificate announcing the naming of Minor Planet Fivesparks in honor of Margaret and Newton Mayall.
The International Astronomical Union named minor planet 3342 "Fivesparks", in honor of Margaret Mayall (Director of the AAVSO 1949-1973) and her husband Newton Mayall. Fivesparks symbolizes the house of Margaret and Newton Mayall at 5 Sparks St. in Cambridge. The minor planet was given the name Fivesparks because the conventional naming of "Mayall" had already been used to name a minor planet in honor of the astronomer Nicholas Mayall.