TG6.4 problem

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Wed, 07/11/2018 - 01:19


I've used TG6.0 on a 64 bit Windows 7 PC with Python 2.7 but am now trying to get TG6.4 with Python 3.6 working on the same PC.

I uninstalled the earlier version of Anaconda (with Python 2.7) then installed the lastest Anaconda (with Python 3.6) and TG6.4 but when I double click on the TG_V6.4.pyw file I get the following message "Choose the program you want to use to open this file".

Previously the Anaconda folder was installed in the top level of the C drive, but the Anaconda3 folder is installed in C:\ProgramData.

Any help would be appreciated. Cheers,


Have you tried this?

Hi, Mark,

When you get the "Choose the program . . ." window, navigate to the Python folder.  There I think you choose python.exe (or perhaps pythonw.exe) - I am not sure.  From that point on, it should always list the Python program as the primary choice when the "Choose the program . . " window opens.  There is often a check box at the bottom of that window that allows the choice to always be made; when you are sure you are selecting the correct progarm, check it and the "Chose the program " window will stop coming up.

By the way, do you know which Python libraries TG6.4 uses?  (I do not use Anaconda or any of the other Python wrappers, as they wind up installing a bunch of stuff I don't need and don't install some things I do, and slow the machine down besides.  Old codger, prefer Idle.)



Tried that

Hi Stephen,

thanks for the feedback. Yes I'd tried that (pythonw.exe is the correct one according to the TG installation instructions) but TG still failed to open. In the end I gave up on using the Windows 7 PC and installed Anaconda and TG6.4 on my Windows 10 tablet and all seems to work well there.

I'm afraid I don't know which Python libraries TG6.4 uses, you'd have to ask the developer Gordon Myers. Cheers



American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Will do some checking and get back to you..

Just returned from England and saw your post.  I'll do some checking over the next few days to see if I can sort out the problem.


American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Command Line


I had something similar.  I don’t recall the details.  I ended up just opening a condo command line window, navigating to the Photometry directory and executing it by hand.  “python TGXXX”
