Sun, 02/01/2015 - 13:21
Hello All
Yesterday Arne and Linda made their trek up to their Retirement House (with 32 inch telescope) in New Hampshire. They joined my wife Kathy and I for dinner last night. Please join me in giving Arne a big thank you for the last 10 years as AAVSO Director and wishing him well.
Gary Walker
Happy Retirement!!! Thanks for your service to the AAVSO. Keep well.
Chris Stephan SET
A job well done!
Enjoy retirement - you'll be amazed how quickly your time fills up!
Congratulations and best wishes to you and Linda, for your "retirement", Arne. Thank you for what you have brought to the AAVSO over the past 10 years, and before! Quite possibly, the best is yet to come, with the even greater freedom to focus that retirement brings...
Kind regards, Gary Billings
Enjoy your retirement
Many thanks for your involvement and the way you led the AAVSO.
I hope to see you again at a next AAVSO meeting.
Now that you have no "job"* to get in the way of what you REALLY want to do, I'll expect to see a lot more production from you! There are so many stars that need work, and so little time.
If you thought you were busy when you were working, retirement is even busier! "You ain't seen nuttin' yet"!
Thank you, thank you, thank you for your excellent service and advice for the past ten years - no, make that twenty - years for me personally.
*Except,of course for the "honey-do" list
Hi Arne.
Happy Retirement!!! Thanks for your service to AAVSO.¡¡¡¡¡¡
an honor to have you as a member of AAVSO.b:-)
S. Aguirre
Before you came on board as Director we Had a very limited number of FOV’s that had been calibrated (and many of those by you at USNO 1M), especially for CCD observers. Between the calibrations of AAVSOnet and APASS there are now very few FOV’s that do not have calibrations (whether a sequence has been created or not) today. Calibrations and their subsequent sequences are the core tool of variable star observers. Those calibrations together with the development of SeqPlot have been major enablers for a vast growth in target opportunities.
While I do not want to minimize your other major accomplishments, especially the new headquarters building, your calibration efforts have created a very large and lasting legacy that will benefit future generations of both amateurs and professionals.
Major Kudos’s for a job well done on many fronts.
Thy friende,
Tim Crawford
It was too short Arne... And as I mentioned before, maybe the 32" and its operator would do better in a sunnier clime ;)
Mike LMK
Your advice, in response to my specific questions and in general Forum discussions, has been greatly appreciated. You've built a great team at HQ and brought the international community closer together. The website and online tools are invaluable, AAVSOnet and APASS are wonderful resources and to top it all off you're just at great bloke!
Enjoy your time doing what you want and if you and Linda are planning a trip to Australia please get in touch. Cheers,
P.S. I'm lookig forward to buying your CCD book very soon.
Thanks billions Arne!
And have a great retirement!
Happy retirement, Arne! A big thanks for your impressive service and mainly for letting Latin America to have place in our beloved AAVSO!
Jaime García
Thank you, Arne for your long support as director.
Seiichiro Kiyota
as a AAVSO member and also on behart of VSOLJ
Thank you Arne for your leadership. It has been a pleasure to meet you.
I trust you and Linda have a wonderful plan for relaxing and enjoying life.
Take care
Kim Hay
I've only been a member since 2012, but I've come to appreciate your leadership. In that time I've seen how helpful and prompt you are in answering observer questions, your passion for helping us all do better science and your stong guidance of the aavso. Enjoy doing what you've been putting off! If you build your own observatory, we'd love to see pics.
Chris Maloney
Hi Arne,
also I wish you a relaxing and healthy retirement.
You made out of AAVSO a leading organization in variable star research. I enjoyed meeting you at several occasions, the first time being it at USNO in Flagstaff. I hope you will still be around at the AAVSO meetings in the near future I also hope to be able to participate.
Enjoy your free time.
Regards also to your wife,
Best of luck to you in your "retirement". I'm sure that you are looking forward to being more able to set your own schedule and working on your own research projects.
Thanks for the last 10 years and looking forward to your contributions in the future.
Best wishes for your retirement, Arne.
Thanks for all your help and interest over the years.
Chuck Pullen (PCH)
Hi Arne
Hearing you talk at NACAA 2008 then meeting and talking with you during a break was a turning point for me.
The abstract of one of your talks (The Amateur Scientist in Modern Society), contained this statement:
As a result of meeting you, I became a part of the AAVSO family, started down the road to developing VStar, began making visual variable star observations, learned and taught, and fell in love with the sky again. Today I submitted my first DSLR photometry observation.
We have met up a few times since 2008, and I hope we'll have the chance to do so again.
Thank you for everything and all the best for the future!
David Benn (BDJB)
Hi Arne,
Enjoy your new venture. Thankyou for your vision.
Regards, Peter
I hope this new phase of your life brings fresh fulfillment. Doesn't seem so long ago that we echatted when you were at Flagstaff about ST AUR. Time passes, but who cares if it has been well and wisely spent?