Wed, 03/11/2020 - 16:54
We have received a report from Sjoerd Dufoer (DFS, Belgium) that he observed the recurrent nova U Sco at V=16.374 +/-0.216 on 2020 Mar. 11.1847 UT (JD 2458919.6847).
In the past U Sco has reached magnitude 16 without going into outburst. U Sco had been predicted to have an outburst in 2020 (AAVSO Alert Notice 664) but data indicated the outburst had occurred during its 2017 seasonal gap.
Follow-up NOW is essential to know what U Sco is doing. Please report your observation(s) of U Sco to the AAVSO via WebObs as soon as possible.
Many thanks, and Good observing,
Elizabeth O. Waagen, AAVSO HQ
On investigating the particular CCD image, DFS determined that U Sco is not bright and the observation should be V = <16.374 +/-0.216 on 2020 Mar. 11.1847 UT (JD 2458919.6847).
Apologies for the false alarm!
Good observing,