User manual feedback

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Astronomical Society of South Australia (ASSAU)
Tue, 09/16/2014 - 14:12

If you have any feedback regarding the VStar user manual, e.g. typos, errata, suggestions for improvement or addition, please post here.


American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
apparent error in DCDFT default lower frequency scan limit

Manual version 2.20.2 at the top of page 71 states that the default lower limit for a DCDFT frequency scan is 1/(4T). I assume these defaults are also the values that appear in the DCDFT with frequency range for a newly opened file (so that previously selected values have not been retained). However, the program is actually using 1/(2.6666...67T) = 1/(8T/3) as the default. This apparent contradiction is was also in  from earlier manual versions. 

Another minor point: It would be clearer to use normal in-line text such as 1/(4T) for the fractions in this section  of the manual rather than what appears to be pasted images combined with normal text. 

Try the attached two files and you should get a value for default lower limit that is 1/(2.66...67*1000) = 0.000375 instead of  1/4000 = 0.00025.


Brad Walter

Astronomical Society of South Australia (ASSAU)
apparent error in DCDFT default lower frequency scan limit

Thanks Brad.

You reported this last year and I created a ticket:

I've added a link to this page as well.

There's also this which may actually be a duplicate:

Probably should consolidate the tickets.

Apologies for not getting to it yet.


Astronomical Society of South Australia (ASSAU)
B-V in manual

Hi David et al

It is not urgent, especially as the B-V plug-in is not working properly currently, but I could not find a reference to the B-V plug-in in the Manual.  It is not a big issue as it is very easy and logiical to use but just for completeness.



Astronomical Society of South Australia (ASSAU)
B-V doco

Hi Robert

Unlike almost every plugin, this doesn't have a document associated with it (but none of which are in the user manual, even though sometimes a plugin may be referred to in the manual).

It does however have a description that ought to be sufficient here:

Also, you are mentioned there. :)
