VeLa to set plot properties: axes ranges/titles etc.?

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American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Tue, 02/04/2020 - 16:14

Hi David,

Is it possible to extend VeLa (vstar object) to get an option to manipulate plot properties: axes ranges/titles etc.? This could partially compensate for the lack of "workplace" (environment) saving.

Best regards,


Astronomical Society of South Australia (ASSAU)
VeLa to set plot properties: axes ranges/titles etc?

Hi Max

To make sure I understand what you're asking for correctly, do you mean that you would like to be able to script the setting of plot properties: axes ranges/titles etc? And, that you would like to be able to do that using the VeLa language? 

One of the things that's happening in the background is for the integration of VeLa with the scripting API (that currently uses JavaScript) as an alternative for scripting things like loading data, DCDCT, phase plots etc.

Setting of plot features is not yet part of the scripting API but I can add a ticket for it.

Do I understand what you're asking for correctly?


American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
VeLa to set plot properties

Hi David,

Let me be more verbose :)

Currently, I'm using VStar to visualize TESS data. TESS data series are very large, dozens of thousands of points. I'm generally using Excel to plot variable star data (for VSX submissions) however it is really hard to manipulate such big arrays of points in Excel. So for such big data sets, I prefer VStar. It is rather good yet there are some inconveniences. For example, let's imagine that I need to make slight changes in a phase plot. Every time when I load data (or make phase plot) I need to set a magnitude range again, set axis title, etc. In general, VStar lacks such a feature as most programming IDEs (and some other software products) have: saving "project". I thought that VeLa could be a palliative: one can create VeLa script to load required data sets, then set plot properties (axes ranges, titles, the main plot title, probably plot area size, etc.). This could help to restore "workspace".

However, there is also another issue: custom axis names get lost if I set another period (in phase plot mode). Every time after making small changes VStar completely recreates plot and sets all properties to default values. It would be great if VStar keeps user-defined settings during the session (or at least while working with the same set of data).

Best regards,
